NextGen Civic Leader Corps

The Office of Connected Learning is thrilled to launch a new program designed to inspire undergraduate students to consider careers in government, nonprofit, and social venture organizations. The NextGen Civic Leader Corps is tri-campus initiative across the University of Washington and is part of a growing network of similar programs across the country powered by the Volcker Alliance Next Generation Service Corps.

Through coursework, experiential learning, and professional network building, the program allows students to recognize and deepen their commitment to community engagement and public service. The students will gain skills and competencies needed in non-profit and government career, develop a sense of connection to UW Bothell and the broader community, and contribute to a more just and equitable society.

Undergraduate students from all majors are welcome to apply and work towards solving emergent, complex problems facing society.

student volunteers help with weeding and pruning at a non-profit organizational farm
Student volunteers helped with weeding and pruning at a non-profit organizational farm.

Program Design

1. Public Policy and Leadership Coursework

NextGen Civic Leader Corps participants are required to take a minimum of one course in the Public Policy AND one Leadership course. This coursework provides an academic anchor for your public service career exploration, builds your understanding of theoretical frameworks, and can prepare you to talk about your community-engagement and leadership experiences in job interviews and/or graduate school applications.

Choose how to complete this requirement through the following course options:

Public Service/ Public Policy courses (5-credit)

  • BIS 338 Political Institutions & Processes
  • BISLEP 301 Law, Economics and Public Policy
  • BISLEP 302 Introduction to Policy Analysis
  • BIS 353 Human Rights in Theory and Practice
  • BISSTA 304 Institutions and Social Change
  • BIS 307 Environmental Justice
  • B BUS 461 Business, Government, and Society

Leadership courses

  • B LEAD 102 Leading with Purpose: Working in Teams
  • B LEAD 103: Leading with Purpose: People Skills
  • B LEAD 104: Leading with Purpose: Presentation Skills
  • B LEAD 206 Learning to Lead: Collaboration in Diverse Contexts
  • B LEAD 207 Learning to Lead: Leading Others
  • B BUS 402 Managing Work Teams (5 credits)
  • B BUS 473 Leadership and Decision Making (5 credits)

NextGen Civic Leader Corps participants are strongly encouraged to consider a minor in
Public Policy. If you have questions regarding the Public Policy Studies minor, please contact the IAS Advisors at

2. Career Building Experiences

We ask program participants to engage in one non-profit or government career building opportunity. These career building experiences will connect participants with professionals in a field of interest, build personal and professional networks, and in many cases allow students to gain practical experience working in a nonprofit or government organization.

Choose how to complete this requirement:

A paid or unpaid public service internship/community-based learning

Career mentorship programs

For more information, talk to Ludmilla Kortchak, Connected Learning Advisor, to identify potential internships. Phone: (425)-352-3144 | Email:

3. Signature Cohort Events

We ask student participants to attend at least two signature cohort events each academic year.
Signature cohort events allow NextGen Civic Leader Corps participants to build their networks, engage with new ideas, and consider how others approach pressing social issues and cultural conversations. Events span varied categories, including direct service, network building, and social/cultural events. Many signature events offer direct connections with notable community leaders, public policy practitioners, and/or elected officials.

  • Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies – Social Justice Career Speaker Panel (every winter quarter)
  • Career Conversation Circles at Pathway Event (every winter quarter)
  • Yearly updated event list from Student Engagement and Activities
  • Yearly updated event list from Diversity Center
  • Alternative Spring Break (sponsored by Student Engagement Activities, March)
  • Earth Week Service Project (sponsored by Sustainability Office, April)
  • Annual Tax Ethics Conference (School of Business, for students who are thinking about public accounting)

Students are encouraged to attend events sponsored or approved by other tri-campus programs in
Seattle and Tacoma to complete this requirement.

All events will be posted on our events calendar – stay tuned!

How to Join

The NextGen program is open to all University of Washington undergraduate students. First-year and pre-major students, as well as students with a demonstrated history of work with underserved and underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to consider participation.

Contact Us

Get in touch with Ludmilla Kortchak, Connected Learning Advisor, at
with questions or set up a time to chat via Zoom or in person.

Recent NextGen Corps News

Eight NextGen students from four member universities participated in the annual NextGen Service Corps (NGSC) Leadership Conference at Arizona State University (ASU). Caleb is the third person from the right.

NextGen Student Ambassador Builds Network around Public Service

NextGen Civic Leader Corps Ambassador showcases the inspirational trip to the annual NextGen Service Corps (NGSC) Leadership Conference at Arizona State University (ASU).

Learn more about NextGen Ambassadors engagement
portrait of Andy Walker-Tran

My Story: Voting as a call to action for social change 

NextGen Civic Leader Corps member writes about why voting matters and the importance of engaging young people in the process.

Learn more about NextGen members calling to action