CELR Faculty Fellowship
The Community-Engaged Learning and Research Fellowship supports faculty in developing community-engaged learning and research courses
Drawing from the well-established curriculum of the CBLR Fellowship and Diversity, Equity, Community Engagement (DECE) Fellowships, the CELR Fellows will support degree/course clusters of faculty in developing and implementing community engagement into courses. Fellows complete training and engage in a community of practice.
The program spans two years from Winter 2023 to Summer 2024. The first portion (Winter 2023 to Spring 2023) focuses on course development and the second (Summer 2023 to Summer 2024 and beyond) focuses on implementation.
Fellows are expected to actively participate in seven workshops, set up at least one 1:1 consultation, and complete several asynchronous assignments during Winter and Spring Quarter to deepen their understanding of CELR pedagogy, begin applying it to their own course, and crosspollinate ideas with others.
This year, recruitment and priority will be reserved for STEM, BUS, and IAS faculty identifying and implementing CELR courses into degrees AND/OR faculty embedding CELR into FYPP/100/200 level courses. Faculty clusters may comprise of two to four faculty within the same division, degree, or course section. Individual faculty may also apply if taking lead to embed CELR into an existing course or develop a new CELR course within their degree/major.
*Note: This is the proposed curriculum for 2023 and is flexible and will be influenced by the fellows who apply.
- Workshop #1: Qualities of High Impact Practices – Connected Learning
- Workshop #2: CELR pedagogy & syllabus design
- Workshop #3: Community-engaged research embedded into courses
- Workshop #4: Community partnerships
- Workshop #5: Supporting students
- Workshop #6: Diversity, equity, community engaged learning
- 1-1 check-in meeting with faculty clusters
- Workshop #7: Syllabus presentation/workshop
- Support faculty in the Schools of STEM, BUS, and IAS to identify and implement solutions to adjust curricular requirements to ensure that all undergraduate students have the opportunity to meet the sixth undergraduate learning goal.
For FYPP/lower level courses
- Increase number of pre-major students experiencing a community engaged learning and research experience through creating CELR courses at the lower level: 100 & 200 level and within Discovery Core.
A $1,200 stipend will be paid out as a salary supplement in two installments: the first $600 upon completion of the course development stage, which include active participation in the community of practice and course syllabus; the second $600 during the quarter that the CELR course is first taught after the Fellowship.
The Office of Connected Learning will provide backbone support for the Fellowship, while inviting experienced faculty as co-facilitators for each session. The CELR staff will also provide support outside of the Fellowship to courses developed through the Fellowship.
How to apply
*Note: Application deadline was November 2022.
The application is completed online via google forms and includes the following components:
- About the applicant(s): Name(s), faculty appointment/ title, department/ school, campus, e-mail.
- About the proposed course (if known): Working course title, UWB course number, and quarter when the course would be implemented.
- Short responses addressing:
- Please describe the larger context and history of community-engaged learning and research within the degree, major, course?
- What are your goals for developing a CELR course?
- Description of (desired) community partner: Include a brief history of any contact or discussions to date with potential partner(s), if applicable. It is not necessary to have identified a partner at the time of application.
- Anticipated challenges in course development and implementation.
- Any prior experience with community-engaged learning and research through teaching or research (optional)
- Endorsement from Dean or Division Chair showing support for the CELR
course as a long-term curricular offering.
Applicants will be notified of their selection by the end of Autumn Quarter, 2022.
For more information, contact Kara Adams (caseykl@uw.edu), Director of Connected Learning.
Past fellows by year
DECE Fellows 2021-2022 CBLR Fellows 2016-2021 CBLR Fellows 2011-2015 CBLR Fellows 2006-2010