Expectations & logistics
Common questions
What is my organization’s role in community-engaged learning?
Your organization is matched with one or more courses offered at the University of Washington Bothell. This match is developed collaboratively between Community-Engaged Learning, your organization, and the instructors teaching the course. The organization develops structured community-engaged learning positions that meet a need of the organization, for students to complete in connection with their coursework at the university.
To ensure that both the organization and the student gain a valuable experience, we ask community-engaged organizations to fulfill a few specific responsibilities:
- Provide a structured experience for students.
- Provide a main contact or site-supervisor to support the community-engaged learning student.
- Offer a comprehensive orientation.
- Be responsive to students’ questions and concerns.
- Evaluate students’ work with the organization.
- Give feedback to Community-Engaged Learning and Research about our efforts to coordinate and support your organization and the students.
What will students’ roles be at our organization?
Community-engaged learning students begin their experience with an enthusiasm for learning and desire to broaden their understanding of social and personal issues. Students’ roles range from a marketing coordinator to a research assistant to a direct service provider and can be designed to benefit your organization. You many work with an individual student or a group of students on a project designed to benefit your organization.
Community-Engaged Learning and Research encourages organizations and students to begin their relationship early in the quarter. We encourage students to be professional and responsible in establishing and maintaining this relationship.
Students will contact you early in the academic quarter to ask about the time, date, and location of the orientation at your organization. After attending the orientation, students will coordinate their schedules with the organization and commit to a regular weekly commitment of 2-3 hours per week. Over the course of the quarter, students should complete between 15-20 hours of service.