Getting Started: Program Directors

Policies for UW Bothell Faculty and Staff Leading Study Abroad Programs

Many UW Bothell faculty are incorporating global learning into their classrooms. Teaching a course for UW students abroad is a way to deepen the international experience for both program leaders and students.

All UW Bothell faculty and staff interested in leading a study abroad program are encouraged to meet with Natalia Dyba, Director of Global Initiatives, to discuss their ideas and questions. Study abroad activity at the UW must comply with university regulations and best practices in the field of international education.

Use these policies as a checklist when planning a study abroad program:

  • UW study abroad programs must ensure academic rigor, cultural immersion, affordability, safety, and compliance with federal financial aid regulations and University of Washington policies.
  • Study abroad programs led by UW Bothell faculty for UW students must obtain written approval of the program proposal and budget from: the sponsoring academic school/ department, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Planning, following processes and deadlines outlined by the UW Study Abroad Office on the Seattle campus or the Global Initiatives office on the Bothell campus.
  • Quarter-long programs (~10 weeks), Summer Term A or B programs (4-5 weeks), and early fall Exploration Seminars (3-4 weeks) that spend the entire academic period abroad should be administered through the UW Study Abroad Office on the Seattle campus. Programs that combine class time at UW Bothell with a short experience abroad, and short-term programs designed exclusively for UW Bothell students, such as the MBA study tours, can be administered through the Global Initiatives office on the Bothell campus.
  • Faculty and staff leading study abroad programs for UW students must attend the Mandatory Program Director Pre-Departure Workshop at least once every three years.
  • Program budgets must be set up such that program director salaries are either covered by departmental funds or built into the program fee.
  • All UW travelers must be covered by international insurance that provides security and natural disaster evacuation services in addition to medical evacuation and travel assistance services during time abroad. UW faculty and staff receive international emergency and travel assistance benefits as part of their UW employment. Students must purchase coverage through the UW Study Abroad office.

Check out the Featured Programs page to learn about other study abroad programs led by UW Bothell faculty and staff.

Study Abroad program development

To create a new study abroad program, start with the following questions:

  • Where would you like to go? Where is your regional area of expertise?
  • How much time would you like to spend abroad? Faculty-led programs range from short-term experiences embedded in a course to quarter-long courses.
  • What will be the thematic focus of your program?
  • Who will handle on-site logistics such as local travel, housing accommodations, excursions, etc.?
  • Is there an advantage to partnering with a co-director from another department or a staff member?
  • Who will cover your salary while you’re abroad? Will it continue to be paid by your department or built into the program fee paid by students?

The proposal asks for information about the overall concept and structure of the program, and requires information on proposed courses, on-site logistics, issues of health and safety, finances and more. Proposals are assessed based on selection criteria that emphasize academic rigor, thorough planning, and familiarity with the program location.

Expect the planning and approval process to take at least a year: four months of your own planning plus 8-20 months of working with the study abroad office to approve and market your program, as well as select and prepare students.

Administering OfficeUW Study Abroad (Seattle)Global Initiatives (Bothell)
Proposal TemplateUW Study Abroad ProposalGlobal Initiatives Proposal
Budget TemplateUW Seattle Budget template
Proposal Submission DeadlinesUW Study Abroad (Seattle)Global Initiatives (Bothell)
Fall, Winter, Spring ProgramsAugust 31 of previous academic year12 months prior to program start date
Summer ProgramsAugust 31October 31
Early Fall Programs/ Exploration SeminarsOctober 31October 31


Both virtual and in-person appointments are available!

Study Abroad Advising
Student Success Center, UW1-160

Natalia Dyba, Director of Global Initiatives
Phone: (425) 352-3261

Peer Study Abroad Advisors
Phone: (425) 352-5457

*Note: Graduate students, alumni, faculty and staff: please email to schedule an appointment.