2022 Heritage University REU cohort
In 2022, 11 students participated in the STEM REU program for Heritage University students, supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation with additional funding from the UW Bothell School of STEM and the National Science Foundation.
Below you will find information about the talented students who worked with us during summer 2022. The students presented their research results at the School of STEM Summer 2022 Research Symposium on August 19th.

Mariana Alvarez
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Lawrence Lam
Research project: Electro-magnetic sensing of body signal

Maria Barrios
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Jong Yoon
Research project: Automating a Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging Exam

Katarina Berk
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Peter Anderson
Research project: Computational design of novel inhibitors of pathogens

J. Lizbeth Cervantes
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Kaibao Nie
Research project: Neural coding of sound in cochlear implants

Erik Chino Bustamante
Major: Medical Laboratory Science
Mentor: Dr. Kaibao Nie
Research project: Neural coding of sound in cochlear implants

Mayra Diaz Acevedo
Major: Mathematics
Mentor: Camilla Compton
Research project: Measuring charge on LIGO test masses

Colton Maybee
Major: Computer Science
Mentor: Balwinder Singh
Research project: Finding efficient ways to detect solutions reproducibility in the earth system models

Eric Mendoza
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Jong Yoon
Research project: Automating a Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging Exam

Mayra Quintero Luciano
Major: Biology
Mentor: Jenne Driggers
Research project: Beam center location on LIGO test mass

Juan Reyes Francisco
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Jesse Zaneveld
Research project: Coral vs Sponge: An analysis of the microorganisms in marine organisms

Maria Sanchez
Major: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Lawrence Lam
Research project: Optical probing for biomedical applications

Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award G-2021-16996.