In-person learning necessary at physics lab

While most courses at the University of Washington Bothell are being held remotely during the pandemic, the physics lab must be an in-person experience. Read the story in UW Bothell news.

April 9, 2021

Bonus benefits from community computing class

Computer science students in a community-based learning course teach programming to middle school students while building their own skills for a career — and for mentoring. Read the story in UW Bothell news.

April 9, 2021

Ambassadors from the land of STEM

A new cohort of student ambassadors from the University of Washington Bothell will be reaching out to community college students underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math to let them know they’re welcome in the land of STEM. Read the story in UW Bothell news.

April 9, 2021

Researching the human factors in cybersecurity

As someone who teaches and researches cybersecurity, Dr. Marc Dupuis said the coronavirus pandemic has been, in some ways, like a cyberattack. Unexpected, yes, but it could have been foreseen. Read the story in UW Bothell news.

April 9, 2021

Ocean noise and animal bioacoustics research and mentoring

As a researcher and associate professor of mechanical engineering, Dr. Shima Abadi focuses on acoustical signal processing with an emphasis on ocean noise and animal bioacoustics. Dr. Abadi integrates her research with outreach, teaching, and curriculum development to broaden participation of underrepresented groups, engage undergraduate students in research, and train graduate students to be the next generation of researchers in her field.

April 9, 2021

Technology Teaching Fellows: Shima Abadi and Nicole Hoover

Dr. Shima Abadi, associate professor of mechanical engineering, and Nicole Hoover, assistant teaching professor of math were selected for the 2021 Technology Teaching Fellows through the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Washington to redesign or create a fully online or hybrid course. Read about their plans for redesigning two E&M courses.

April 9, 2021

Grant to empower underrepresented students in STEM

Professor Linda Simonsen and Assistant Professor Joey Key were awarded an internal University of Washington grant focusing on helping to empower underrepresented students in STEM. They are working with the UW Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity to study the experiences of the UW Bothell STEM Public Outreach Team student ambassadors.

April 8, 2021

Why Arnold Berger wrote his latest book

Over the last five years Associate Professor Arnold (Arnie) Berger collected ideas for his newest book "Debugging Embedded and Real-Time Systems". He found that "if problems crop up, as they invariably do, students lack the diagnostic skills to analyze the problems and, in a systematic way, zero in on the possible causes, and then find and fix the bugs"—this is where his book comes in. Read the book preface and more about the author.

April 8, 2021