Workshops & Services

Workshops and services from UW Bothell IT and UW-IT

Our Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) team offers a number of workshops throughout the year. See workshops descriptions on this page. To find current offerings and registration links, see our IT Workshops & Events page.

Would you like to see other offerings? Please let us know by sending us a message to

Online training & support

Accessibility 101

This online course in Canvas provides easy-to-follow content in flexible format of main accessibility topics.

Deque University

Deque University is a library of online digital accessibility courses and on-demand reference materials for every level and every area of expertise in digital accessibility. It is freely available to anyone with a UW NetID. For more information and login instructions, access Deque University for UW users.

Accessible Technology recorded webinars

UW-IT Accessible Technology Services (ATS) has offered webinars on a variety of topics, such as teaching an accessible online course, web accessibility, document accessibility, video accessibility, testing with screen readers, and accessibility in procurement. Recordings are available on the Accessible Technology Webinar Series page.

Technology overviews

Our ACT SharePoint site has technology tutorials listed on the Technology Overviews page. Each offers a summary of features, short tutorials videos, and support links to technology providers and LinkedIn training.

Workshop topics

Accessibility basics for course content

Having accessible content from the start makes content ready for most students. This session will cover recommended universal design practices for MS Office documents, Canvas content, multimedia, and PDFs.

ADA accessibility requirements

This presentation will guide attendees through the latest updates in accessibility. The Title II of the ADA April 2024 update requires a our university content (websites, documents, course materials, and tools) to be accessible from the start. Learn about the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA, the standard for the recent update, available resources and training.

PDF remediation training

Schedule unit group training sessions to learn accessibility concept, best practices for creating accessible document, presentations, PDFs, and PDF remediation workflows.


Our ACT team offers a myriad of services to our faculty and staff at UW Bothell outlined in this section. For more information, send us a request to

Photography and imaging

ACT provides photography and imaging services to UW Bothell staff and faculty. Everything from formal and informal headshots, events, and copy work are available.

Accessibility assessments

Would you like to get feedback and assistance with the accessibility and usability of course syllabus or course files? This assessment includes personalized accessibility training to ensure everyone can access and use your content from day one of the quarter. Contact us at for a consultation.

Video production

We film professional video for the academic side of the UW Bothell campus. Interested in incorporating Learning Glass videos into your course work? Contact Marc Studer at

Technology tools consultation

Do you have questions about Microsoft 365 tools, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, and other technologies we use at UW Bothell? Get in touch with us to set up an appointment.

Classroom technology support

Our ACT team offers support for technologies installed in campus classrooms. Need assistance? Give us a call at extension 2–3456 from the classroom phone or send us an email at

Have questions?

Our ACT is available to help with teaching tools, Office365, multimedia production, accessibility, and much more. Have questions? Contact us at or connect directly with a team member!