Lecture Capture using Panopto
This page will help you learn how to use Panopto on the classroom podium computer at UW Bothell.
Step #1 – Login onto the podium Computer
![Other User podium login screen showing the user name and password fileds.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Podium-computer-login-standard-2.jpg)
You can sign in to a podium computer either with your NetID or with the public podium credentials (the username and password for these credentials are posted on each podium).
To use your NetID, enter it as YourNetID@netid and your UW account password. Your NetID is the first part of your UW email address.
Step #2 – Open web browser
![Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers shortcuts](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Web-browsers.jpg)
Open your preferred web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge)
Step #3 – Open your Canvas course
![Firefox page showing canvas . u w . e d u](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Browser-window-with-Canvas-link.jpg)
Open your preferred web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge)
![Canvas login window](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Canvas-login.jpg)
Select the Login button on the Canvas page.
Sign in with your UW NetID and Password.
![DUO authentication window](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Duo-authentication-standard-1.jpg)
Verify Your Canvas Login using the DUO two-factor authentication. Remember to use the option Send Me a Push to receive notifications to your mobile device.
![Canvas Dashboard page showing two course tiles](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Canvas-course-tiles-standard.jpg)
Select the Canvas course where you would like the Panopto videos to be saved.
Step #4 – Open Panopto
![Panopto Recordings shown on course menu](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Panopto-Recordings-link-standard.jpg)
Choose Panopto Recordings from the course menu. This action will open your Canvas course Panopto page.
If the link is not visible, you can enable it from the course Settings > Navigation tab.
Step #5 – Create a new Panopto recording
![Panopto interface showing a video thumbnail and the create button](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Panopto-in-Canvas-interface-standard.jpg)
Select the Create button within the Panopto interface.
![Panopto for Windows option highlighted](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Panopto-for-Win-drop-down-standard-2.jpg)
Choose Panopto for Windows from the drop-down menu.
![Record a new session window showing the open Panopto button.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Open-Panopto-button-standard-1.jpg)
On the Record a new session window, choose the Open Panopto button.
Step #6 – Select the Panopto application
![Allow u w hosted panopto to open the panopto link with panopto recorder? Followed by the highlighted items, check box to "Always allow" and the Open Link button.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Allow-and-choose-application-standard.jpg)
Check the box, “Always use this application to open Panopto links” and select Open Link.
Step #7 – Panopto recording interface
Next, the local Panopto application will open.
If the Introductory Tour Step 1 opens, select Skip Tour.
![Enable preview check box located within the desktop capture area.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Enable-preview-2.jpg)
Enable screen capture preview by checking the box located within the big capture area on the lower right of the page.
Step #8 – Recording name
![Recording name and course folder fields located in the Session settings section.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Recording-name-and-folder-standard-1.jpg)
Give your Panopto recording a new name or use the default name.
Step #9 – Start, pause or stop recording
![Record button and the Stop - Pause buttons.](/it/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/Record-stop-pause-buttons.jpg)
When ready, select the Record button. Select Stop when you are done recording or Pause to temporarily pause the recording.
If you pause your recording, you will see Stop and Resume buttons. Select Resume to continue recording.
Step #10 – Log out of podium computer
One finished, close all programs and log out of the podium computer. Your recording will automatically upload in the background.