Pre-Health Advising

Welcome to Pre-Health Advising at UW Bothell!
Are you preparing for a career in a health profession such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and others? A career in health is an incredibly rewarding profession, and careers in health are in high demand. Pursuing a career in health can be a challenging path and one that takes a lot of planning and preparation. On this site, you can explore different health careers and find resources here at UW Bothell that will help you aim high and achieve a career in health.
Pre-Health is not a major…
We define Pre-Health as a process a student goes through if they intend to enter a professional health field. The process includes:
Exploring a variety of health care professions and understanding the type of work (e.g. patient contact, type of facility) involved and how this matches personal strengths, motivations, and preferences
Explore now!Prepare
Preparing for a selected health profession, which includes both academic (course planning and major selection) and vocational endeavors (job shadowing, volunteering, research, leadership, work experience)
Applying to professional schools, which includes assessing readiness to apply, selecting schools, preparing for and taking entrance exams, and preparing a compelling application
Review the Pre-Health Advising Syllabus to learn more about our services.
Pre-Health Advising Syllabus (pdf)Here is an accessible Word version of the Pre-Health Syllabus.
Choosing a major…
You can major in anything along the way towards a career in health and healthcare. Health professional schools don’t consider an applicant’s major in the admission process. There are specific requirements that each graduate and professional school may look for, and these are covered in the sections on the left side-bar menu.
Keep in mind that choosing a career in health is not one decision but a series of decisions based on exploration, investigation, and reflection. You should continually assess your academic readiness, motivation, and skills. Getting involved in healthcare (volunteering and shadowing) and community service are essential elements to exploring what the profession is about, and this experiential learning will help you determine whether or not Pre-Health is a good match for you.