News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Jennifer Atkinson collaborates with youth/teen climate activists

IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson collaborated this fall with youth theater groups and young climate writers to explore the emotional impact of our climate crisis. For the newest dramatic production created by Cry Havoc Theater Company in Dallas, Texas, Atkinson contributed a series of interviews based on her work helping students navigate eco-anxiety and climate despair. The resulting piece, titled Endlings, is Cry Havoc’s fourth ...

December 17, 2020

Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali Awarded a 2020 Art Matters Grant

Studio Revolt, the collaborative media lab of IAS faculty members Anida Yoeu Ali and Masahiro Sugano was awarded a 2020 Art Matters grant. The Art Matters foundation awarded 37 fellowships of 5,000 USD each to individual artists and collective teams working in contemporary art and performance. In this year of pandemics and protests, Art Matters engaged ...

December 11, 2020

Julie Shayne blogs about Trump refusing to concede the election

IAS faculty member and Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Faculty Coordinator Julie Shayne wrote a blog piece for Ms. Magazine about the patriarchal entitlement that allows Donald Trump to refuse to concede the election. In it she argues that if he were a woman this highly unprofessional and immature behavior would likely put an end to all future woman presidential candidate’s careers whereas no men’s political careers are going to be even slightly damaged by his behavior. Read: “If Trump Were A Woman.”

December 7, 2020

Jennifer Atkinson releases Episode 6 of her podcast “Facing It”

IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson releases Episode 6 of her podcast Facing It, a series exploring climate anxiety and eco-grief. The latest episode in the series, titled Embracing Uncertainty, is available on apps like Apple podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, Amazon Music, and Stitcher. As Atkinson argues in this new episode ...

December 4, 2020

Amaranth Borsuk publishes article on design legend Barbara Stauffacher Solomon

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk has published a biographical essay outlining the life and work of artist Barbara "Bobbie" Stauffacher Solomon in the latest issue of The Improbable, an art newspaper published by Siglio Press for the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Borsuk became fascinated with the work and career of the boundary-breaking artist after ...

December 4, 2020

Ching-In Chen publishes Kundiman for Kin :: Information Retrieval for Monsters

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen has published a new chapbook, Kundiman for Kin :: Information Retrieval for Monsters, which explores familial lineage for monsters and mutants with Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs, an independent press which publishes poetic works showcasing “subtle and intense forms of public exchange and autonomous expressions—dynamic in awareness—luminous in form.” As a Finalist for The Leslie Scalapino Award ...

December 4, 2020

Melanie Malone publishes “Teaching Critical Physical Geography”

IAS faculty member Melanie Malone recently published an article in the Journal of Geography in Higher Education entitled "Teaching Critical Physical Geography." Beyond providing a framework for how to teach CPG, the article also provides methods for students to overcome power dynamics and ...

November 24, 2020

Jennifer Atkinson presents “Navigating Climate Anxiety”

IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson spoke at Whitman College on November 18 for a public event exploring climate anxiety, eco-grief, and how to cope with the mental health impacts of our ecological crisis. The talk was attended by student activists and mental health professionals. Atkinson explained not only climate change's external impacts, but also the emotional toll it's having on young people, climate justice activists, scientists, and ...

November 23, 2020

Santiago Lopez and Jin-Kyu Jung publish in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers

IAS faculty members Santiago Lopez and Jin-Kyu Jung in collaboration with colleagues from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO – Ecuador) published a paper in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. The paper provides new insights on land use and climate change in human-environment dynamics of the equatorial Andes. The study supports the notion that ...

November 23, 2020

Santiago Lopez publishes in the journal Ecological Indicators

AS faculty members Santiago Lopez in collaboration with colleagues from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO – Ecuador) and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg published a paper in the journal Ecological Indicators. The paper addresses land use/land cover changes in Southern Ecuador and the implications for ...

November 23, 2020