Environmental Science
The Environmental Science major is no longer accepting new students.
The information on this page is for students who are already admitted to the Environmental Science major, and are working towards the completion of their degree.
Interested students may apply to one of our new majors:
- Conservation & Restoration Science (BS)
- Earth System Science (BS) — jointly administered by STEM and IAS
Students already majoring in Environmental Science are able complete the major following one of the the pathways below:
On this page: Major Description | Faculty & Staff | Pathways | Degree Map |Courses | Capstone Project
- Amy Lambert
Faculty Coordinator - Warren Gold
- Martha Groom
- Cinnamon Hillyard
Please contact the Environmental Science Faculty Coordinator if you have any questions, concerns or ideas about the Environmental Science major. To declare the Environmental Science major, please contact the First Year and Pre-major Program.
Academic Advisor
Research Librarian
Environmental Science Pathways
Students already majoring in Environmental Science are able complete the major following one of the pathways below:
Conservation and Restoration Ecology Pathway
Starting Autumn 2020, students interested in Conservation and Restoration Ecology may apply to the new Conservation & Restoration Science major. Continuing students are able to complete the pathway described below.
The Conservation and Restoration Ecology Pathway (CRE) links the study of conserving and maintaining ecological systems and their elements with the recovery of damaged ecosystems. The combination of conservation and restoration creates a practical framework for managing natural resources and landscapes. Fundamental understandings of ecosystem components and processes are used to foster and sustain native species, ecological communities, and ecosystems.
- One quarter of Calculus (STMATH 124 Calculus I, BMATH 144 Calculus for the Life & Social Sciences or equivalent).
- Three quarters of the General Chemistry sequence (B CHEM 143/144 General Chemistry I, 153/154 General Chemistry II, 163/164 General Chemistry III or equivalent).
- One Introductory Earth System Science course: BIS 242 Environmental Geography, BEARTH 155 Intro to Climate Science (previously BST 200), BEARTH 153 Intro to Geology (previously BIS 153), BEARTH 154 Intro to Oceanography (previously BIS 154) or an equivalent Physical Geography or Oceanography course.
- One Introductory Environmental Studies course (BIS 240 Intro to Sustainable Practices or BIS 243 Intro to Environmental Issues, or equivalent).
- Three quarters of the Introductory Biology sequence (B BIO 180 Intro Biology I, B BIO 200 Intro Biology II, B BIO 220 Intro Biology III, or equivalent Biology course).
Environmental Science (ENV SCIENCE)
Core Requirements:27 credits
- BIS 300 Interdisciplinary Inquiry* (5 credits)
- BES 301 Science Methods and Practice (5 credits)
- BIS 315 Understanding Statistics (5 credits)
- BES 303 Environmental Monitoring Practicum (2 credits)
- BES 312 Ecology (5 credits)
- BIS 342 Geographic Information Systems OR BES 439 Computer Modeling & Visualization in Environmental Science (5 credits)
CRE Core Course Requirements (ENV SCIENCE:CORE)
20 credits from the below options
- BES 316 Ecological Methods (5 credits)
- BES 362 Intro to Restoration Ecology (5 credits)
- BES 485 Conservation Biology (5 credits)
- BES 311 Environmental Chemistry OR BEARTH 318 Hydrogeology (5 credits)
CRE Distribution Requirements (20 Credits)
- 5 Credits: Environmental Science (ENV SCIENCE:ENV SCI)
- 5 Credits: Methods & Practices (ENV SCIENCE:METHODS)
- 5 Credits: Society & Environment (ENV SCIENCE:SOC&E)
- 5 Credits: Environmental Policy & Management (ENV SCIENCE:POLICY)
Capstone (13 Credits)
- BES 462, 463, 464 Capstone or approved Independent Research (10 credits)
- BIS 499 Portfolio Capstone – min. 2.5 grade (3 credits)
TOTAL = 80 Credits
Earth System Science Pathway (ESS)
Starting Autumn 2019, students interested in Earth System Science may apply to the new Earth Systems Science major. Continuing students are able to complete the pathway described below.
The Earth System Science Pathway (ESS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines the physical and chemical nature of the environment in various media (as well as atmosphere, rivers, lakes, oceans, soils, and lithosphere), their interaction with each other and with biological systems. ESS emphasizes the examination of human impacts on these complex environmental processes and the long term sustainability of living systems.
- One quarter of Calculus (STMATH 124 Calculus I, B MATH 144 Calculus for Life & Social Sciences, or equivalent).
- Three quarters of the General Chemistry sequence (B CHEM 143/144 General Chemistry I, B CHEM 153/154 General Chemistry II, B CHEM 163/164 General Chemistry III, or equivalent Chemistry course).
- One Introductory Earth System Science course (BIS 242 Environmental Geography, BEARTH 155 Intro to Climate Science, BEARTH 153 Intro to Geology (previously BIS 153), BEARTH 154 Intro to Oceanography (previously BIS 154), or equivalent Physical Geography or Oceanography course).
- One Introductory Environmental Studies course (BIS 240 Intro to Sustainable Practices, BIS 243 Intro to Environmental Issues, or equivalent course).
- One quarter of Introductory Biology (B BIO 180 or equivalent).
- One quarter of Introductory Physics (B PHYS 114/117 or equivalent).
- A second quarter of Introductory Physics (B PHYS 115/118 or equivalent) OR a second quarter of Calculus (STMATH 125 Calculus II, or equivalent).
Environmental Science Core Requirements (ENV SCIENCE:CORE)
30 credits required from the below list
- BIS 300 Interdisciplinary Inquiry (5 credits)
- BES 301 Science Methods and Practice (5 credits)
- BIS 315 Understanding Statistics (5 credits)
- BES 303 Environmental Monitoring Practicum (5 credits)
- BES 312 Ecology (5 credits)
- BIS 342 Geographic Information Systems OR BES 439 Computer Modeling & Visualization in Environmental Science (5 credits)
ESS Pathway Core Course Requirements (ESS:CORE)
15 credits required from the below list
- BEARTH 318 Hydrogeology (5 credits)
- BEARTH 321 Geomorphology (5 credits)
- BES 330 Limnology (5 credits)
ESS Distribution Requirements
25 credits required from the below list
- 5 Credits: Environmental Science (ENV SCIENCE:ENVSCI)
- 10 Credits: Methods & Practices (ENV SCIENCE:METHODS)
- 5 Credits: Society & Environment (ENV SCIENCE:SOC&E)
- 5 Credits: Environmental Policy & Management (ENV SCIENCE:POLICY)
13 credits required from the below list
- BES 462, 463, 464 Capstone or approved Independent Research
- BIS 499 Portfolio Capstone – min. 2.5 grade (3 credits)
TOTAL = 80 Credits
Admitted prior to Autumn Quarter, 2016?
Students admitted to the ESS major prior to Autumn 2016 may be eligible to complete an older set of major requirements.
In addition to the general admission requirements, students must have completed the prerequisites to be considered for admission to the ESS major.
This is the Distribution Requirement Course List.
Conservation & Restoration Ecology (CRE)
Environmental Science (ENV SCIENCE:ENVSCI)
- BEARTH 155 Introduction to Climate Science
- BEARTH 318 Hydrogeology
- BEARTH 341 Natural Hazards and Human Disasters
- BES 311 Environmental Chemistry
- BES 331 Estuarine Science and Management
- BES 397 Special Topics in Environmental Science
- BES 430 Air Pollution and Health
- BES 488 Wetland Ecology
- BES 489 Pacific Northwest Ecosystems
- BES 490 Pacific Northwest Plants in Restoration & Conservation
- BIS 241 Nature in the Northwest
- BIS 306 Marine Diversity and Conservation
- BIS 360 Pollinator Diversity and Conservation
- BIS 395 Environmental Change in Washington State
Methods & Practices (ENV SCIENCE:METHODS)
- BEARTH 321 Geomorphology
- BES 302 Environmental Problem Solving
- BES 317 Soils Laboratory
- BES 330 Limnology
- BES 415 Advanced Environmental Measurements Laboratory
- BES 439 Computer Modeling & Visualization in Environmental Science
- BES 440 Remote Sensing of the Environment
- BES 460 Water Quality
- BES 487 Field Lab in Wildland Plants and Soils
- BES 490 Pacific Northwest Plants in Restoration & Conservation
- BIS 232 Introduction to Data Visualization
- BIS 342 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- BIS 343 Geographic Visualization
- BIS 344 Intermediate GIS
- BIS 442 Advanced GIS Analysis and Applications
Society & Environment (ENV SCIENCE:SOC&E)
- BIS 240 Introduction to Sustainable Practices
- BIS 242 Environmental Geography
- BIS 244 Wetlands Discovery (2 credit)
- BIS 245 Environment and Humanities
- BIS 246 Introduction to Sustainability
- BIS 307 Environmental Justice
- BIS 345 American Environmental Thought
- BIS 356 Ethics and the Environment
- BIS 358 Issues in Environmental Science
- BIS 359 Principles & Controversies of Sustainability
- BIS 360 Pollinator Diversity and Conservation
- BIS 385 Art and Climate Change
- BIS 390 Ecology and the Environment
- BIS 391 Environmental History of the Bioregion
- BIS 392 Water and Sustainability
- BIS 396 Topics in Sustainability
- BIS 405 Environmental Education
- BIS 458 Energy, Environment & Society
- BIS 459 Conservation and Sustainable Development
- BBUS 460 Sustainable Business
Environmental Policy & Management (ENV SCIENCE:POLICY)
- BES 486 Watershed Ecology & Management
- BIS 307 Environmental Justice
- BIS 346 Topics in Environmental Policy
- BIS 406 Urban Planning & Geography
Earth System Science (ESS) Distribution Requirement Course List
Environmental Science (ENV SCIENCE:ENVSCI)
- BEARTH 155 Introduction to Climate Science
- BEARTH 341 Natural Hazards and Human Disasters
- BES 331 Estuarine Science and Management
- BES 362 Introduction to Restoration Ecology
- BES 397 Special Topics in Environmental Science
- BES 430 Air Pollution and health
- BES 485 Conservation Biology
- BES 488 Wetland Ecology
- BES 489 Pacific Northwest Ecosystems
- BES 490 Pacific Northwest Plants in Restoration & Conservation
- BIS 241 Nature in the Northwest
- BIS 306 Marine Diversity and Conservation
- BIS 395 Environmental Change in Washington State
Methods & Practices (ENV SCIENCE:METHODS)
- BES 302 Environmental Problem Solving
- BES 316 Ecological Methods
- BES 317 Soils Laboratory
- BES 415 Advanced Environmental Measurements Laboratory
- BES 439 Computer Modeling & Visualization in Environmental Science
- BES 440 Remote Sensing of the Environment
- BES 460 Water Quality
- BES 487 Field Lab in Wildland Plants and Soils
- BES 490 Pacific Northwest Plants in Restoration & Conservation
- BIS 232 Introduction to Data Visualization
- BIS 342 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- BIS 343 Geographic Visualization
- BIS 344 Intermediate GIS
- BIS 442 Advanced GIS Analysis and Applications
Society & Environment (ENV SCIENCE:SOC&E)
- BIS 240 Introduction to Sustainable Practices
- BIS 242 Environmental Geography
- BIS 244 Wetlands Discovery (2 credit)
- BIS 245 Environment and Humanities
- BIS 246 Introduction to Sustainability
- BIS 307 Environmental Justice
- BIS 345 American Environmental Thought
- BIS 356 Ethics and the Environment
- BIS 358 Issues in Environmental Science
- BIS 359 Principles & Controversies of Sustainability
- BIS 385 Art and Climate Change
- BIS 390 Ecology and the Environment
- BIS 391 Environmental History of the Bioregion
- BIS 392 Water and Sustainability
- BIS 396 Topics in Sustainability
- BIS 405 Environmental Education
- BIS 458 Energy, Environment & Society
- BIS 459 Conservation and Sustainable Development
- BBUS 460 Sustainable Business
Environmental Policy & Management (ENV SCIENCE:POLICY)
- BES 486 Watershed Ecology & Management
- BIS 307 Environmental Justice
- BIS 346 Topics in Environmental Policy
- BIS 406 Urban Planning & Geography
Environmental Science Capstone Project
Environmental Science students must complete a Senior Capstone Project during their senior year. Students can either complete the Capstone Project in Restoration Ecology or 10 credits of Approved Independent Research.
Students must also complete BIS 499 Portfolio Capstone within their final two quarters.
Capstone Project in Restoration Ecology
In the Restoration Ecology Capstone, students of different academic backgrounds work together to complete a local restoration project. Students learn how to plan, design, install, and monitor a restoration project while working in teams.
The Capstone consists of 10 credits earned over autumn, winter and spring quarters (BES 462, BES 463 and BES 464). Students should contact Warren Gold for admission into the capstone.
Integrated into the Senior Restoration Ecology Capstone is the IAS Degree Portfolio. The portfolio is a compilation of graded work.
Approved Independent Research
Students work individually with a faculty member researching a topic of their choice. Generally taken over two quarters; students complete ten 400-level credits of Independent Research.