Culture, Literature & the Arts
On this page: Major Description | Learning Objectives | Requirements | Courses
Do courses like Shakespeare & Film and Representation, Colonialism, & the Tropical World sound exciting to you?
Do you want to explore a career in Education, Journalism, or Public Relations?
The Culture, Literature & the Arts major (CLA) inquires into the make-up of diverse cultures and societies, and their literatures and arts.
Students gain an understanding of the complex relations among lived, represented, and speculated existence. CLA courses focus on the historical, social, and aesthetic dimensions of arts and culture, with special attention to the intersections among gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, disability, and other vectors of power and privilege.
Students in the major study written and visual texts, interactive and performative modes of practice, and philosophical and theoretical accounts of those texts and practices.
Students in the Culture, Literature & the Arts major are passionate about understanding diverse cultures and societies, and their literature and arts. Students passionate about diversity as it relates to visual & written texts, interactive & performative practices, and the philosophical & theoretical accounts of them will thrive within the CLA major.
Courses in the CLA major focus on the historical, social, & aesthetic aspects of art and culture, with special attention to the intersections among gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, disability, and other vectors of power and privilege. Students gain an understanding of the complex relations among lived, represented, and speculated existence.
Using their background in Culture, Literature & the Arts, graduates in this major communicate with others through their use of the English language in career roles such as education, advocacy, and consulting. Students in the CLA major end up working as teachers, public relations consultants, journalism/social media, and publishing among others.
Learning objectives
The Culture, Literature & the Arts curriculum advances the five core IAS learning objectives. Students taking courses and/or majoring in Culture, Literature & the Arts:
- Engage the complex question of what cultures are and do;
- Analyze diverse forms of cultural production and consumption, including literature and language, film and media, music and sound, visual arts and images, performing arts and kinesthetics;
- Appreciate the richness and complexity of artistic communication, language, and imagination;
- Investigate the importance of form, design, and genre across the arts;
- Understand how creativity and artistic expression are embedded within larger social and cultural contexts;
- Understand how artistic practices and cultural production vary across time and space.
- David Goldstein
Faculty Coordinator
- Leslie Hurst
Research Librarian
Please contact the Culture, Literature & the Arts Faculty Coordinator if you have any questions, concerns or ideas about the Culture, Literature & the Arts major.
Plan your degree
Interested in exploring this major, but not ready to commit? Consider taking one of the below courses! Any of these selections will help familiarize you with the academic program and prepare you for advanced coursework in the major.
- BIS 136 Introduction to Art History
- BIS 161 Introduction to Film Narrative
- BIS 162 Race, Gender, and Sexuality through Film & TV
- BIS 163 The Lives of Objects
- BIS 164 Introduction to World Literature
- BIS 206 Engaging Literary Arts
- BIS 209 Engaging Visual and Media Arts
- BIS 216 Introduction to Cultural Studies
While there are no official prerequisites for this major in the School of IAS. UW Bothell students in good standing can declare a major in Culture, Literature, and the Arts at any time. Once ready to submit a declaration form follow this link to the IAS Major Declaration Form
Ready to apply?Degree Requirements
The following degree requirements are required as of Autumn 2024 quarter. Student who enter the Culture, Literature, and the Arts (CLA) major prior to Autumn 2024 have different requirements. Please see your Academic Advisor for questions and academic planning.
- 10 credits of Composition Coursework
- B WRIT 133 or B WRIT 134 or ENGL 131 or equivalent (5 credits)
- B WRIT 135 or ENGL 141 or equivalent (5 credits)
- CLA Core (5 credits)
- BISCLA 380 or BISCLA 384
- CLA Courses (35 credits)
- See below for approved list of CLA Courses
- Additional IAS Coursework (20 credits)
TOTAL = 70 Credits
School of IAS Requirements & Policies
- Residency Requirement: 30 credits must be completed in residency at UW Bothell
- Cumulative GPA Requirement: Major GPA must be at a cumulative of 2.00 or higher
- Interdisciplinary Practices & Reflection (IPR): The IPR requirement can overlap with 70 credit major coursework or it can be completed through elective credits. Please see the IPR page for course options.
- Upper Division Credit Policy: Of the credits applying to Psychology major requirements, a minimum of 35 credits must be completed at the Upper Division (300-400) level.
A. Culture, Literature & the Arts Core Courses (CLA:CORE)
- BISCLA 380 Arts in Context
- BISCLA 384 Literary and Popular Genres
B. Culture, Literature & the Arts Courses (CLA)
35 credits from any of the courses below
Creative Writing
- BISIA 207 Introduction to Creative Writing: Words, Stories, Dialogues
- BISIA 310 Creative Writing: Poetry
- BISIA 311 Creative Writing: Prose
- BISIA 401 Literary and Arts Journal Editorial Board
- BISIA 410 Advanced Creative Writing Workshop
Art, Film, and Literary Histories
- BIS 121 Introduction to Drawing
- BIS 130 What is Art?
- BIS 131 Introduction to Arts Practice
- BIS 132 Introduction to Photography
- BIS 133 Introduction to Acting
- BIS 134 Introduction to Dance
- BIS 135 Introduction to Painting
- BIS 136 Introduction to Art History
- BIS 161 Introduction to Film Narrative
- BIS 162 Race, Gender, and Sexuality through Film & TV
- BIS 164 Introduction to World Literature
- BIS 185 Art & Climate Change
- BIS 206 Engaging Literary Arts
- BIS 207 Shakespeare and Film
- BIS 208 Experimenting through the Arts
- BIS 209 Engaging Visual and Media Arts
- BIS 212 Engaging Performing Arts
- BIS 245 Environment & Humanities
- BIS 261 Introduction to Film Studies
- BIS 301 Narrative Forms
- BIS 323 History of Photography
- BIS 324 Gender, Human Rights, and Global Cinema
- BIS 331 Journalism and Media History
- BIS 332 Global Digital Industries
- BIS 347 History of American Documentary Film
- BIS 361 Studies in American Literature
- BIS 363 Politics and Popular Music
- BIS 370 Nineteenth Century American Literature
- BIS 371 Twentieth Century American Literature
- BIS 377 British Literature and the Gothic Novel
- BIS 378 Languages of Poetry
- BIS 379 American Ethnic Literatures
- BIS 382 The Visual Art of Biology
- BIS 387 Women and American Literature
- BIS 388 Literature in Translation
- BIS 389 American Indian Literature
- BIS 407 Children’s Literature and Reader Response Criticism
- BIS 471 Women in Art
- BISIA 230 Performing Arts Techniques
- BISIA 240 Visual and Media Arts Techniques
- BISIA 250 Photography as Art
- BISIA 283 Interdisciplinary Art Techniques
- BISIA 319 Interdisciplinary Arts
- BISIA 340 Visual and Media Arts Workshop
- BISIA 344 Video Art
- BISIA 350 Photography and Digital Art
- BISIA 383 Interdisciplinary Arts Workshop
- BISIA 450 Image and Imagination
- BISIA 483 Advanced Interdisciplinary Arts Workshop
- BISIA 484 Arts Learning in the Community
Culture, Historical, and Societal Studies
- BIS 163 The Lives of Objects
- BIS 165 Introduction to Ethnic Studies
- BIS 183 Introduction to the Middle East
- BIS 193 Introduction to Philosophy
- BIS 205 Technologies of Expression
- BIS 216 Introduction to Cultural Studies
- BIS 219 The Politics of Sex Education
- BIS 224 Introduction to Feminist Studies
- BIS 227 Rad Women in the Global South
- BIS 233 Social Media in Context
- BIS 234 Media, Culture, and Capitalism
- BIS 235 Critical Media Studies
- BIS 236 Introduction to Interactive Media
- BIS 238 Language, Identity, Culture and Power
- BIS 252 Politics of Science
- BIS 255 Critical Diversity Studies
- BIS 256 Introduction to African American Studies
- BIS 257 Introduction to Asian American Studies
- BIS 258 Introduction to US Latina/Latino Studies
- BIS 266 United States History to 1865
- BIS 267 United States History from 1865
- BIS 268 World History to 1500
- BIS 269 World History after 1500
- BIS 282 Introduction to Globalization
- BIS 310 Women, Culture and Development
- BIS 313 Issues in Media Studies
- BIS 317 Language, Society and Cultural Knowledge
- BIS 319 Public Arts and Ecological Restoration
- BIS 322 Topics in Performance Studies
- BIS 326 Race, Space, and Segregation
- BIS 329 Topics in Mathematics Across the Curriculum
- BIS 335 Human Rights in America
- BIS 336 History of Mass Incarceration in the US
- BIS 339 Issues in Global Cultural Studies
- BIS 340 Approaches to Cultural Research
- BIS 341 Topics in the Study of Culture
- BIS 351 Topics in American Culture
- BIS 354 Modern European Intellectual History
- BIS 356 Ethics and the Environment
- BIS 365 Institutions and Social Change
- BIS 367 Ethics and Society
- BIS 369 Indigenous Psychology and Health
- BIS 372 Representation, Colonialism, and the Tropical World
- BIS 431 Issues in Sexual Politics and Cultures
- BIS 440 Topics in Everyday Social and Cultural Life
- BIS 450 Performance and Healing
- BIS 455 Literature and Sexuality
- BIS 462 The Culture of the Cold War in America
- BIS 464 Topics in Advanced Cinema Studies
- BIS 470 Art, Politics, and Social Change
- BIS 474 Topics in European Cultural History
- BIS 480 International Study Abroad
- BIS 485 Topics in Cultural Studies
- BIS 486 Studies in Women and Literature
- BIS 487 Topics in American Literature
- BIS 488 Topics in British Literature
- BIS 491 Topics in Policy Studies
- BISAES 364 Public Memory and Dissent in American Culture
- BISAES 367 Exploring American Culture: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
- BISAES 369 American Culture and Mass Media
- BISGWS 303 Approaches to Feminist Inquiry
- BISMCS 234 Media and Communication Techniques
- BISMCS 333 Media and Communication Studies
- BISMCS 343 Media Production Workshop
- BISMCS 471 Advanced Topics in Media and Communication
- BISMCS 472 Advanced Media Production Workshop
- BISPSY 348 Cultural Psychology