BIS 495 Internship
The IAS Internship course (BIS 495) is a credit/no-credit course designed for students interested in linking their classroom education to practice-based learning in local for-profit, not-for-profit, and governmental organizations. It satisfies the Interdisciplinary Practice and Reflection graduation requirement.
The course allows students to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (creative problem solving, collaboration, critical analysis and thinking, interdisciplinary research) to a variety of work environments. Students are encouraged to use the internship experience to analyze and assess potential employment opportunities and career paths.
Internship Stories:
- Internship impact: Putting skills to work
- The intern who created a new job
- Veronica Cheang: Selling tea to China
Step 1: Course Eligibility & Information
Eligibility to enroll in BIS 495 requires that you:
- Are an IAS student and have completed BIS/BEARTH 300
- Have an internship and learning contract in place before course starts
- Be in good academic standing
*Note: Students in the Interactive Media Design major are not required to take BIS or BEARTH 300 before enrolling in BIS 495.
Class Information
- Variable 2-6 credits (see below)
- The grading is credit/no credit
- May count toward electives or toward the 20 additional IAS credits
- Can only be taken once
- Offered autumn, winter, spring and summer quarters
- Sample BIS 495 Syllabus
Step 2: Find an Internship
To be admitted into course, you need to have an internship confirmed and a learning contract completed at least two weeks before the quarter for approval (Step 4 provides instruction on submitting the learning contract). If you need help finding an internship, Career Services can help. You can make an appointment to meet with Career Services staff and go over internship options.
Your internship must be a short-term educational experience that is related to your degree and future career aspirations. If your internship is with a current employer, it must have a mentorship component that is specific to that time frame and provide experiential learning and professional development opportunities that are significantly different from your current responsibilities. The internship must be concurrent with the class.
What is an internship?
An internship:
- Provides a structured learning experience that has a defined beginning and end;
- Creates opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in a “real world” professional environment;
- encourages you to develop and refine skills that are transferable to a variety of work settings;
- includes a position description with relevant and clearly defined learning objectives;
- provides for supervision/feedback from a professional with expertise and background in that field;
- includes resources, equipment, and facilities that support learning goals.
Internships previous BIS 495 student have completed
Step 3: Determine the Number of Credits
BIS 495 is a variable credit course. Credit loads vary with weekly hours logged at your internship site: 2 credits (4-6 hours); 3 credits (7-9 hours); 4 credits (10-12 hours); 5 credits (12-14 hours); 6 credits (15 hours or more). Work with your internship site supervisor and your IAS academic advisor to determine the proper number of credits for the course.
STEP 4: Submit Learning Contract for Admittance Into the Course
Once you have your internship confirmed and credits determined, submit the learning contract (signatures are not needed until the first day of class) two weeks before the beginning of the quarter to
A learning contract:
- is a document that structures the course and shapes a robust learning experience;
- has clearly defined learning goals that complements classroom learning with practical experience;
- ensures that the intern and site supervisor have clear expectations about the internship;
- must be submitted two weeks before the start of the quarter in order to receive an add code for the course.
Learning contracts will be reviewed within 10 days of receipt on a first come, first serve basis up to 2 weeks before the quarter.
Add codes will be sent once you are admitted to the course, and no later than a week before the quarter starts. If the contract requires revision, you will be contracted. The course is limited to 15 students and typically fills up well before the end of the previous quarter, so please plan in advance. Once the course fills we will start a waitlist, in the event that someone drops before the quarter begins.
We will review the learning contracts to assure that it:
- is a structured learning experience that has a defined beginning and end;
- provides opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in a “real world” professional environment;
- encourages you to develop and refine skills that are transferable to a variety of work settings;
- includes a position description with relevant and clearly defined learning objectives;
- provides for supervision/feedback from a professional with expertise and background in that field;
- includes resources, equipment, facilities that support learning goals.
STEP 5: Once Admitted into the Course
All students must:
- Attend the three mandatory, virtual class sessions held Fridays in the 1st, 5th, and 10th weeks of the quarter (Summer the 1st, 5th and 9th weeks of the quarter). See time schedule for exact times. Students are responsible for coordinating the class schedule with their internship site.
- Complete weekly assignments that integrate the course readings and the internship experiences.
- Keep a field journal of your internship experience.
- Create a recorded final presentation based on your experiences in the course to discuss during the final class period.
Have Questions or Need Help?
- About course syllabus, eligibility, and assignments – BIS 495 Instructor Loren Redwood
- Credits applied toward major and academic requirements – UWB Advisor
- Internship search and learning contract specifics – Career Services,