News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Dan Berger publishes in Colin Kaepernick’s “Abolition for the People”

IAS faculty member Dan Berger publishes an article in "Abolition for the People," a month-long series edited by Colin Kaepernick and appearing in Medium. Coauthored with UC President's Postdoctoral fellow David Stein, the article examines the policy agenda of police and prison abolitionists. "Police and prisons uphold the world that is ...

October 30, 2020

Jin-Kyu Jung speaks on regeneration of railway land in Busan, Korea

IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung participated as a panelist in the Busan-SEMAPA Joint International Seminar on “Innovative Regeneration of Railway Land,” held in Busan, Korea. Jung discussed several interwoven forms of innovation in both SEMAPA’s “Paris Rive Gauche” urban regeneration project and Busan’s new urban railway land redevelopment plan and the inclusive and innovative urban transformation strategies for the City of Busan.

October 28, 2020

Jin-Kyu Jung publishes “Teaching creative geovisualization”

IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung has published a paper, “Teaching creative geovisualization: Imagining the creative in/of GIS” in The Canadian Geographer. This paper situates creative geovisualization at the intersection of geography, arts, and digital humanities with a particular emphasis on visualization and mapping that preserves, represents, and generates more authentic, contextual, and nuanced meanings of ...

October 27, 2020

Denise Vaughan discusses the difference between the presidential debate and academic debate (KOMO news)

IAS faculty member Denise Vaughan was interviewed by KOMO news sports reporter Bill Swartz about the UW Bothell Speech and Debate team and the upcoming Presidential Debate. The discussion (listen here) focused on difference between academic debate and what we see on the Presidential Debates where interruptions are frequent, as well as how the UW Bothell team has adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 23, 2020

Julie Shayne speaks on a plenary session at the Gender Studies in Georgia conference

IAS faculty member and Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies faculty coordinator Julie Shayne spoke on a plenary session titled “Persistence Is Resistance” at the Gender Studies in Georgia conference. The session was organized to celebrate Shayne’s new open access book Persistence is Resistance: Celebrating 50 Years of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies. Shayne discussed the origins ...

October 23, 2020

Dan Berger publishes Remaking Radicalism anthology

IAS faculty member Dan Berger, together with University of Nevada Reno historian Emily Hobson, published a book of writings by US social movements in the late twentieth century. The anthology is called Remaking Radicalism: A Grassroots Documentary Reader of the United States, 1973-2001 and ...

October 20, 2020

Neil Simpkins on the politics of access and trauma-informed pedagogy

IAS faculty member Neil Simpkins contributed “The Sticky Note Snap” to a symposium on “Enacting a Culture of Access in Our Conference Spaces” that appeared in College Composition and Communication. This piece examines building access in academic conference spaces.

October 12, 2020

Ching-In Chen’s writings published in Foglifter

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s hybrid writings “En Route Family,” “’Registration Marks’ or ‘a kind of breathing vocabulary on a daily level’ and “No” were published in Foglifter, a literary magazine focused on queer and trans writing which recently was awarded a Whiting Literary Magazine Prize. Foglifter is a ...

October 9, 2020

Margaret Redsteer cited regarding the Navajo Nation’s battle with climate change

IAS faculty member Margaret Redsteer was cited in a Reuters news story on drought and climate change “We Don’t Give up Really Easily: Navajo Ranchers Battle Climate Change.” Redsteer explains how drought is magnified by the long-term changes to water availability on the Navajo Nation, leaving its people increasingly vulnerable.

October 9, 2020

Jin-Kyu Jung coauthors “Community geography: Toward a disciplinary framework”

IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung has published a coauthored article, “Community geography: Toward a disciplinary framework” in Progress in Human Geography. This collaborative paper introduces and defines community geography as a growing subfield in geography that provides a framework for engaged scholarship as ...

October 7, 2020