Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali Awarded a 2020 Art Matters Grant

Anida Yoeu Ali and Masahiro Sugano in front of art installation

Studio Revolt, the collaborative media lab of IAS faculty members Anida Yoeu Ali and Masahiro Sugano was awarded a 2020 Art Matters grant. The Art Matters foundation awarded 37 fellowships of 5,000 USD each to individual artists and collective teams working in contemporary art and performance. In this year of pandemics and protests, Art Matters engaged an internal process that eschewed application labor for artists and supported both past grantees as well as new artists whose ongoing work continues to inspire and resonates with their mission:

“Our grantees make art that is fully embodied; art that is not risk-averse; and art that subverts structures and questions the institution,” said Art Matters Director Abbey Williams in announcing the grants. “So it was striking to engage with artists from our past and future histories. Both emerging and elder voices are expressing an urgency to find a new way forward through their work and we believe these artists can and will. These grants are our way of saying ‘We see you! Thank you for your prescient work in this current moment, it is so desperately needed'"

This is the second award Ali and Sugano have received from Art Matters as part of their collaborative work with Studio Revolt.