IAS faculty members granted IDISCO awards in the fall 2019 funding round

Raissa DeSmett received a community-based partnership seed grant to support her project Decolonizing Collections: Experiments in Care. DeSmett will work with students preparing the Southeast Asia collections to be accessed by community members as part of a new multi-campus Research Family. One of the questions she is pursuing with her students is: How can we help unlock the social, cultural, political, and aesthetic potential of these collections by readying them for contact with their communities?

Minda Martin and Avery Cook also received a community-based partnership seed grant to work with Lake Advocates & King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks to create materials to educate residents and lake users about the importance of protecting water bodies and how land use is linked to water health. The goal of the education projects is to help improve residents’ knowledge of the value of county water resources.

Ursula Valdez and Diana Garcia-Snyder received a collaborative coaching for innovation and success grant. They plan to collaborate in creating interdisciplinary teaching units for an upcoming 2020 Exploration Seminar in Peru and a year later in Mexico. They will create a program called “Dancing with Nature”, with the purpose of giving students an opportunity for integrating science, research and artistic expression within their learning, and to see the natural world through an integrative-embodied lens.

Eight Faculty will attend a Whitely Center Writing and Creation retreat to work on various scholarly and creative projects. Min Tang will work on, Weaving the BRICS Web: The Networked Digital Industries in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa; Kari Lerum will work on, How sex worker coalitions are responding to FOSTA/SESTA; Julie Shayne will work on, A history of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies in the US; Adam Romero is finishing his book manuscript, Economic Poisoning: Industrial Waste and the Chemicalization of Agriculture; Neil Simpkins is working on his essay, On the Clock: The Writing Work of Time Management; Ron Krabill and Ben Gardner are working on their collaborative project, along with UW Seattle Principal Lecturer Anu Taranath, The Global Reciprocity Podcast: Networking for More Just Relationships in International Education; Jason Morse is working on his essay, “In Literature She is Power”: African American Women Writers, Hypersexual Stereotypes, and the Politics of Respectability.