You have questions. We have answers. Search below for the category that best fits your question. If you still can’t find your answer, our Undergraduate Admission Counselors are here to help!
Can I meet with an admissions counselor over the phone, by email or over Zoom?
Yes! To set up an advising appointment, please submit our Appointment Request Form.
When should I apply?
For first-year admissions: Admission to the University of Washington Bothell is competitive and we highly recommend that you apply before the early action deadline. The application will be considered complete when all required documents are received. Please review the How to Apply and Admissions Requirements webpages for more information.
For transfer admissions: As a transfer applicant, you’ll apply directly to your desired major. Please review our program admission deadlines to see when your desired major accepts applications throughout the year, as each program has a different deadline. See the application dates and deadlines webpage for more information.
For post-baccalaureate admissions: Please review the application dates and deadlines webpage for more information.
For non-matriculated admissions: Non-matriculated student applications are due on the first day of instruction for your desired term. We encourage you to apply before the deadline as applications are considered on a space available basis. Please refer to the application dates & deadlines page for instruction start dates.
For returning student admissions: Requests for re-enrollment are accepted up to a week before the start of the requested quarter.
Am I ready to apply?
If you would like to speak to a counselor about your application, please feel free to contact our admissions team. Admissions counselors can guide you step by step through the application process and are available for in-person, email, phone and chat advising. Connect with a counselor!
What documents are required with my application?
For first-year admissions: First-year students will need to submit official transcripts for the last 4 years of high school. Review the FAQ’s transcripts section for more information.
For transfer admissions: Transfer students will need to submit transcripts from all institutions you attended after high school, and we may also require your high school transcripts if you have less than 90 transfer credits. Review the FAQ’s transcripts section for more information.
For international admissions: In addition to official transcripts, international students and domestic students who completed more than half (at least 7 years) of their primary and secondary education in schools a) where English was not the language of instruction and b) in countries outside the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or the United Kingdom will need to show proof of English language proficiency. You will need to submit official TOEFL or IELTS scores if you plan to use these for English Proficiency. Please review the English language proficiency webpage for more information.
For post-baccalaureate admissions: Post-baccalaureate students must apply directly to a major with all program prerequisites and requirements completed. You will need to submit transcripts from all institutions you attended after high school. For detailed information about major prerequisites, please visit the major webpage or schedule an appointment with an admissions counselor.
For returning admissions: Returning students must complete the Returning Student Request Form through the Office of the Registrar and submit updated transcripts (if applicable). Learn more about the returning student re-enrollment process from the Office of the Registrar website.
Does UW Bothell require the SAT or ACT? If I want to send my test scores, what code do I use?
The University of Washington Bothell no longer requires SAT or ACT scores (read the January 27, 2021 announcement for more information). Students who have taken the exams are welcome to send their scores, however, there is absolutely no advantage or disadvantage in doing so.
Please use the following codes to send test scores to UW Bothell:
- SAT: 4467 (scores are valid for 5 years)
- ACT: 4497 (scores are valid for 5 years)
What code do I use to send my AP test scores to UW Bothell?
Use code 4467 to send your AP scores to UW Bothell.
What code do I use to send my TOEFL scores to UW Bothell?
Use code 9964 to send your TOEFL scores to UW Bothell. TOEFL scores are valid for 2 years.
How much does it cost to apply to UW Bothell?
The application fee for domestic students is $60 and for international students it is $75.
How will AP/IB credits or A-/AS-Level credits transfer?
If you took any Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) tests or A-/AS-Level exams, you could possibly get UW credits depending on the score you received.
Will all my credits transfer? How will I know how many credits I have?
When your application is reviewed, our evaluators will determine which credits transfer and once you register for classes you will find your transfer credits on your MyUW account.
If you’re an international student, please pay particular attention to the following: Official International Credential Evaluation.
If I’m a transfer student, how do I find out which of my credits/classes meet specific degree requirements?
To view direct UW Bothell equivalents from Washington state community colleges, please visit our course equivalency guide.
Your credits earned from prior college coursework may be transferred to your University of Washington records. The credits that count toward general education requirements are reflected in the Degree Audit Report System in MyPlan.
Transfer coursework must be reviewed and coded for major requirements by your Academic Advisor, so they may not be reflected immediately. You will have the opportunity to discuss your credits in your 1:1 meeting with your Academic Advisor during Orientation.
Newly admitted transfer students who have paid the enrollment deposit will be able to register to attend an advising orientation. All incoming transfer students must attend this half-day orientation program before they can register for classes. Visit the UW Bothell Advising and Orientation webpage for more specific information about Orientation.
Advisors in your major will assist you in determining what you should enroll in your first quarter. For students transferring from a 4-year university or out-of-state college, additional advising appointments may be required after your orientation for a complete credit evaluation and degree audit. This is not something that you can accomplish at any time prior to attending the new student orientation program. Admission counselors are not able to assist prospective transfer students with this type of evaluation; they can only advise on admission criteria being met.
What is a personal statement?
A personal statement is a very important piece of your application. The personal statement gives you an opportunity to express your personality, academic plan at UW Bothell, career plan and goals through your writing as well as how you will contribute to enhancing our campus. Be sure to check spelling and grammar before you submit the personal statement. The personal statement varies if you are a First Year Student applicant or a Transfer applicant. Please visit one of the following webpages for more information about what should be included in your personal statement:
Do international students need to submit a bank statement with their application?
No. You are not required to submit bank statements to apply. However, admitted international students will need to submit bank statements showing they have enough funds to support their study and living expenses, as part of obtaining your UW Bothell I-20. Admitted domestic students do not need to submit a bank statement.
Is my username and password for the online application the same as my username and password for MyUW?
No. The username and password you create for the online application is only for the admissions application. However, in order to set up your MyUW account, you will need the username and password you created to submit your online application. Directions to set up your MyUW account will be emailed to you within a week of submitting your online application. If you need assistance, please contact the Admissions Office at 425.352.5000 or at uwbinfo@uw.edu.
Will students be notified if their application is complete?
Students are not automatically notified when transcripts and other supplemental admission application information are received by our office. If your application file is incomplete, you will be notified by email about what is missing and how to properly send it to us. To check whether we have received documents or whether your application file is complete, students are welcome to check their app status portal or send an email to uwbinfo@uw.edu requesting an application status update. Please note that some transcript orders can take several weeks to process, so it is helpful if you wait at least two weeks from the date of order before asking us if we have received an official transcript.
What if I have changes to my application after it has been submitted?
If you have changes to make to your application after submitting it online, please email uwbinfo@uw.edu. You do not need to submit another application. If you need assistance, please contact the Admissions Office at 425.352.5000 or via email.
When will I be notified if I’m admitted to UW Bothell?
You will receive your admission decision by email. Your application will be considered complete when we receive all required documents from you.
First-year applicants will receive an admissions decision January to March.
All other applicants will be notified about their admission status within 6-9 weeks after their application is completed. An application is complete when we have all the documents and any other supplemental materials needed (e.g., transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation) to make an admission decision.
What if my application is denied or waitlisted and I would like to appeal the decision?
Applicants who are denied admission or added to the waitlist to the University of Washington Bothell may request further consideration by presenting a written petition and additional information in support of their application. Such requests should be submitted by email to uwbinfo@uw.edu or mail to:
University of Washington Bothell
Office of Admissions, Box 358500
17927 113th Ave NE
Bothell, WA 98011-7909
I’m Admitted. Now what?
Congratulations and welcome to University of Washington Bothell! Please visit the Admitted Students webpage to find out what to do next.
How do I set up my MyUW NetID?
Set up your MyUW NetID account after you are admitted. MyUW is your personal gateway to the University of Washington, and will be essential for future online transactions, including financial aid award details, class registration, transcript orders, etc.
Directions to set up your MyUW account will be emailed to you within a week of submitting your online application. If you need assistance, please contact the Admissions Office at 425.352.5000 or at uwbinfo@uw.edu.
Running Start
If I’m a Running Start student, do I apply for first-year or transfer admissions?
Students that completed the Running Start program should apply to UW Bothell as a first-year student.
You are only considered a transfer student if you plan to take or are taking college courses/credits after graduating high school but before starting at UW Bothell (excluding the summer directly after graduation).
Can I earn Running Start credits at different colleges?
All 34 of Washington’s community and technical colleges offer Running Start courses, in addition to a few public four-year institutions. Students may take courses at one or multiple colleges. For more details about the Running Start program, visit the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
UW Bothell recognizes Running Start credit from most accredited institutions. However, we do not offer Running Start courses. For questions about Running Start course credit, contact an admissions counselor.
When do I need to submit my official transcripts?
First-year admitted students who confirm their spot at UW Bothell are required to submit an official final high school transcript, which includes a graduation date, as part of a student’s admitted next steps following their admission to UW Bothell. If you receive college credits through the Running Start Program, you must also submit official college transcripts.
If you are taking courses in summer quarter after you graduate from high school, we recommend that you send an official transcript once spring quarter grades are posted and then again after summer grades are posted. This will help ensure that you are able to register for the appropriate classes for fall quarter. Learn how to send official transcripts.
Will I still be considered a pre-major student with Running Start credits?
The majority of incoming freshman can expect to start at UW Bothell as a pre-major student, meaning you have not yet declared a major. As a pre-major you can continue taking a variety of classes to explore your interests in your first and second year at UW Bothell.
Once you complete the necessary prerequisites, you will be eligible to apply to your desired major. Your academic adviser will help you register for prerequisite courses and they will be able to assist you in the application process.
If you have additional questions, please use this form to connect with your admissions counselor!
You will have official academic records at every school where you have attempted credits and UW Bothell requires that you submit an official transcript from each school. To submit transcripts, contact the Registrar’s Office at each school as soon as possible to request your official transcripts be sent to UW Bothell.
All transcripts must be sent to our office through one of the options below:
- Approved electronic service such as National Student Clearinghouse (review instructions below), Parchment or Scoir.
- Other official e-transcript vendors may email uwbapply@uw.edu.
- Official and sealed envelope mailed by your Registrar’s Office to UW Bothell’s Office of Admissions:
University of Washington Bothell
Office of Admissions, Box 358500
17927 113th Ave NE
Bothell, WA 98011-7909
What is an official transcript?
Official paper transcripts are issued by the issuing school and sealed in an envelope. The envelope must NOT be opened or tampered with (the school sticker or stamp over the seal must remain intact).
Electronic transcripts can also be considered official and accepted if sent directly to UW Bothell (uwbapply@uw.edu) by an official e-transcript company or the issuing school. We must be able to verify the sender as an authorized organization.
Official electronic transcripts are also accepted if sent from an approved vendor such as National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment or Scoir.
When should I request my official transcripts?
For first-year admissions: You are required to submit an official final high school, which includes a graduation date, as part of your admitted student next steps. If you have received college credits through the Running Start Program or College in High School, you are also required to submit official college transcripts.
For transfer admissions: Your admissions application will not be reviewed until all official transcripts and required documents have been received. However, you do not need to wait until you have received or sent all official transcripts to UW Bothell to submit your online application. The Office of Admissions will match your transcripts with your online application when received. If you attend or have attended a Washington State Community College, please have your transcript(s) sent directly from the community college electronically (see above for options).
How do I send my transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse?
When you order a transcript using National Student Clearinghouse, please note that the University of Washington Bothell is not listed as a recipient. It only shows an option for the University of Washington. To ensure that your transcript gets to the UW Bothell Admissions office, please do the following when you are on the “Enter Recipient Details” page:
- Select “Washington” as the state.
- Select “Not in the list” as the School Name.
- Type in “University of Washington Bothell“.
- Select “Mail” as the Delivery Method (Selecting “Mail” will allow us to receive your transcripts electronically).
- Fill in our address. Be sure to list in c/o or attn to “Office of Admissions, Box 358500“.
University of Washington Bothell
Office of Admissions, Box 358500
17927 113th Ave NE
Bothell, WA 98011-7909 - Please add “Bothell Campus” in the Special Instruction box.
How do I send my transcripts electronically through Parchment (previously Credentials Solutions/Naviance)?
All student types may use Parchment to send transcripts to UW Bothell electronically. Here are some tips to send an electronic transcript through the Parchment delivery service:
- Order a PDF transcript(s) or electronic delivery option, NOT paper hard-copy transcript(s).
- Choose the correct recipient: University of Washington Bothell.
- Do NOT choose “Myself” as we cannot accept that as official.
- Confirm the recipient is UW Bothell and not UW Seattle or UW Tacoma. Transcripts must be sent seperately as we do not share application material.
- Enter uwbapply@uw.edu for the UWB email address.
As a transfer, do I need my high school transcript?
You will need an official academic record from each school you attend. Depending on how you completed your College Academic Distribution Requirements, we may or may not need an official high school transcript:
If you meet CADRs through high school coursework: Yes, we do require an official high school transcript.
If you received a GED: Yes, an official high school transcript is required.
If you completed all CADRs through college course work: No, your high school transcript will NOT be required.
What is a senior midyear transcripts?
Midyear transcripts are high school transcripts that report your final grades for the first term of your senior year. The first term will depend on the academic calendar system your school is on (Semester, Trimester or Quarter).
The midyear transcripts provide our admissions committee with your most recent academic performance and are required for the review process to begin.
You may upload an unofficial transcript through your application status portal. If you are unsure how to access your app status portal, search for the email with the subject line “Thank You for Applying” to review set up instructions.
How can I request my high school transcript if my high school is closed during the summer?
If you completed high school in the United States, you may request it through your school’s district office.
If I attended two high schools, which transcript do I need to send?
You will need to send the transcript from your graduating high school which contains your graduation date.
I was homeschooled. How do I submit transcripts as a homeschooled student?
Homeschooled applicants must present a homeschool transcript that includes course titles of each subject studied, duration of study, and grade or assessment of performance.
Completion of College Academic Distribution Requirements must be met for your application to receive a holistic admissions review. Preferably, courses completed at home would adhere to a nationally recognized homeschooled curriculum.
I already sent my transcripts to the UW campus in Seattle or Tacoma. Can you retrieve them?
Unfortunately, we are unable to access application materials sent to Seattle or Tacoma. Due to our individual admissions offices and processes, applicants MUST send all transcripts and/or required documents directly to UW Bothell. We do not share student application files, transcripts, or any other application documents with the UW campuses in Seattle or Tacoma.
However, if you have taken classes at any University of Washington campus (Seattle, Tacoma or Bothell), you do not need to submit official transcripts for those UW courses.
I attended a college outside the U.S. What document should I submit to UW Bothell?
UW Bothell accepts international credential evaluations from any of the preferred agencies listed below or any agency that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). All evaluations must be completed with official documents sent to the evaluation company directly from issuing institutions. A course-by-course evaluation must be sent to the Office of Admissions at UW Bothell in a sealed envelope or other means of official transmission directly from the evaluation agency.
- Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute (ACEI)
- Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)
- Foreign Credentials Service of America (FCSA)
- Foundation for International Services (FIS)
- International Education Evaluation (IEE)
- International Education Research Foundation (IERF)
- SpanTran: The Evaluation Company
- World Education Services (WES)
Do I need my official military transcripts?
Official military transcripts (Joint Services Transcripts) must be submitted to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. Coursework recommended for academic college credit at the lower or upper division level by the American Council on Education (ACE) will be considered for transfer if the coursework is applicable to the student’s degree program at UW.
Military coursework is not included in the transfer GPA and transfer credit will not be awarded until after the student has enrolled. A maximum of 30 quarter credits may be awarded for military courses earned through Armed Forces training schools (AFTS). No credit is awarded for Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) programs. Regionally accredited military schools are evaluated under the same guidelines as all other regionally accredited two- and four-year schools.
To order military transcripts, please see this military transcript resource.
English language proficiency
How can I prove English proficiency? Do I need to take the TOEFL/IELTS?
There are several ways to meet the English language proficiency requirement. Please review your options for completing the requirement on the English language proficiency webpage. You may contact uwbintl@uw.edu if you have more questions.
What code do I use to send my TOEFL test score to UW Bothell?
What if I did not do well on the TOEFL?
You can take the TOEFL as many times as you like until they receive a passing score of a 92 or better. Your application will be considered as “Incomplete” until the English proficiency is fulfilled. You do not need to wait to reapply each time you take the TOEFL. You can also take the IELTS or obtain an Associates Degree with a cumulative of a 2.75 GPA AND have a 3.0 in both English 101 and 102.
Financing your education
Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?
UW Bothell offers scholarships and financial aid opportunities to a wide range of students. For more information, please visit or contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.
When will financial aid be distributed?
If you submitted your FAFSA by February 28, you will receive your First-Year Student award letter by mid-April via your MyUW Account. For more information about financial aid and scholarships or to speak to a representative, please email uwbfaid@uw.edu or call 425-352-5240.
Federal delays and/or deadline extensions may affect this timeline.
What do I need to know about Financial Aid before I transfer to UW Bothell?
Please visit our Financial Aid website for specific information important for transfer students. After reading through the information on our website, if you have additional questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact our Financial Aid Office directly by email: uwbfaid@uw.edu or call 425.352.5240.
When should I complete the Free Application for Financial Aid (FAFSA)?
You should submit your FAFSA by the February 28 priority filing date and make sure to select University of Washington as one of your colleges (code 003798 – same for all three UW campuses). For some transfer students, this is an entire year or more prior to the intended quarter of transfer so you must plan ahead! For complete instructions and more detailed information about the FAFSA, visit our Financial Aid page. Do not wait until you have filed your federal income tax returns to submit the FAFSA. Instead, use the most accurate available financial information you have to complete the FAFSA. You will have an opportunity to correct any errors later and will be required to update the application after your taxes are filed. Be sure to check the “will file” box. The US Department of Education will send an email reminder in April to update the FAFSA information after your federal income tax returns have been filed.
What is the Husky Promise?
To ensure that the UW remains affordable, the Husky Promise guarantees that full tuition and standard fees will be covered by grant or scholarship support for eligible students. These grants and scholarships do not have to be repaid. Please visit the Husky Promise webpage for more information and eligibility requirements.
Majors and academics
What are the types of majors offered at UW Bothell?
Open majors: Students in good academic standing will be admitted after declaring their major.
Majors with minimum requirements: These majors have a set of prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA. All current students who meet the minimum requirements are admitted.
Capacity-constrained majors: Capacity-constrained majors are selective and have extra requirements to be admitted.
What will my schedule be like in the first year?
Most UW Bothell courses are offered two days a week for about two hours each. Courses are offered throughout the day and evening; however, most first and second-year courses are offered during the day. Full-time students take between 12-18 credits, which is roughly three courses per quarter.
What type of classes will I take as a First-year Student?
The First-year Student curriculum is centered around the Discovery Core, a sequence of courses that will engage you in a community of learners, orient you to university academics and social activities, and introduce you to the richness of interdisciplinary learning. The challenges we face in the world are not divided into disciplines, so our courses are designed to focus on a common theme by integrating at least two areas of inquiry into one class (e.g., biology and business; computer science and philosophy; mathematics and literature). In addition to the Discovery Core classes, you will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of electives including Calculus, Chemistry or Intro to Psychology. These classes not only apply toward your general education requirements, but allow you to explore your interests.
Who teaches UW Bothell classes?
Classes at UW Bothell are taught by highly-qualified and experienced professors who love teaching as much as they do participating in world-renowned research. Students work closely with their professors and peers in a variety of learning activities, including the opportunity to help faculty members conduct research.
Do you have an English language program at UW Bothell?
While enrolling at the University, is there a minimum of courses that a student needs to take in order to stay enrolled?
Just one!
Can I study part time?
Depending on your student type, you may or may not be able to study part time. Domestic first-year and domestic transfer students may study part time. However, international students CANNOT study part time. U.S. immigration law requires that all international students on F1 student visas maintain full-time enrollment. To be considered full time, undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of 12 quarter credits. Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of 10 quarter credits to be considered full time.
What student resources will be available to me if I attend UW Bothell?
There are many different support services and resources available to help students succeed in their studies. Some of the more popular services include:
When will I start my major?
In the U.S. education system, the first two years of your bachelor’s degree consists of general and prerequisite courses for your major. After prerequisites are complete, you will need to apply to your major program and be admitted to your major. Most students begin their major studies in their third year.
Does UW Bothell have resources to help students select their major?
UW Bothell students have several resources that will help them decide which degree to pursue. Aside from the Meta-Major Pathways and Discovery Core, students have access to academic advisors who are able to meet with them on a regular basis and discuss classes, majors and career paths.
Do I have access to the libraries on the UW Seattle campus?
Yes. Along with access to over 90,000 books in the UW Bothell library, students have access to the entire UW library system which includes over 7,000,000 titles. Additionally, students have access to the UW WorldCat, a search system that includes libraries in Washington state, Oregon and worldwide.
Can I take classes at the other University of Washington campuses?
We do a cross-campus enrollment. All undergraduate students enrolled at one UW campus may register for courses at another UW campus on a space-available basis.
Do I need my medical records for immunity verification?
UW Bothell requires proof of Measles, Mumps, and Meningitis vaccination to register for classes. Find out more on the UW Immunization Requirements webpage.
If you are in the military, be sure to request a copy of your medical records prior to exiting the service.
Do I need my own laptop?
UW Bothell provides access to computers on campus for almost all your needs, including two computer labs, Mac and Dell, and multiple workstations around the campus. Additionally, UW Bothell students are able to check out laptops from the library. If you have a laptop, our campus is completely wireless, which means you can access the Internet from anywhere on campus for free.
Where can I learn more about Veterans benefits at UW Bothell?
To learn more about Veterans benefits at UW Bothell including tuition rates and how to use your benefits, please visit the Office of Veteran & Military Educational Benefits.
Does UW Bothell offer any classes specifically for veterans or their family members?
Yes. UW Bothell has designed a class to assist veterans in making a positive transition to UWB and from military life to civilian college life. In particular, the course will aid veterans in navigating the academic, financial, social, physiological, and psychological challenges they may encounter when transitioning to a new school, a demanding college life and civilian careers. You will be introduced to key resources, opportunities, and people available to you at UW Bothell. For more information, visit the Veteran & Military Resources Office.
UW Bothell student life
Are first-year students required to live on campus?
No. Students are not required to live on campus their first year.
When/where do I get my Husky Card?
Students get their Husky Card at Orientation or by visiting the Enrollment Services desk on the lower level of Summit Hall. Please be sure to bring your UW Bothell student number and a valid photo ID.
What student life activities are offered at UW Bothell?
Can I participate in ROTC?
Yes, US citizens are eligible to participate in ROTC. The UW ROTC curriculum is one of the best in the nation at developing student leadership skills and producing successful and effective officers for the United States Army and Air Force. The UW Seattle campus hosts the curriculum and training, but also serves UW Bothell students. Check out more information on Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC.
What recreational sports are available on campus?
UW Bothell offers recreational sports that include Basketball, Flag Football, Indoor and Outdoor Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Tennis and Coed Softball just to name a few. This is a fantastic opportunity to be a part of a team that bleeds purple and gold!
Can I buy student tickets for Intercollegiate Athletic games on the Seattle campus?
Yes, UW Bothell students have access to student pricing on tickets for all athletic events and can sit in the student sections during games Student sections are open to students from all three UW campuses.
Do you have dorms?
Yes. UW Bothell offers on-campus housing. After you have been admitted and accepted your offer, you can apply for housing here. Be sure to check the application deadline!
More information on the new Residential Village (opened 2023 and 2024).
How can I commute to campus if I don’t live on campus?
Many students live off campus and commute to school by car or bus. When you register for classes, you have an option to purchase U-Pass that allows you to use the Seattle area bus systems. Learn more about our parking passes on our website. Also, the Seattle-Bothell area is very bike-friendly, with a dedicated bike trail network close by.
How safe is campus?
The UW Bothell campus is very safe. Security officers patrol by bike, car, and on foot. Additionally, security officers escort students to and from their cars. We are also located less than a mile from the local Fire Station and Police Department.
What is there to do in the greater Seattle area?
Metropolitan Seattle is very exciting and eclectic, offering a variety of fun things to do and see.
We would also recommend exploring the eastside for food, drinks, shopping, nature, activities and more: Woodinville, Kirkland, Redmond, Bellevue and more. Head a bit more north and explore Lynnwood and Edmonds as well!
I’m an international student and I don’t know anybody in the U.S. Is there anyone who can help my transition as an international student?
The International Student Services can help you with your adjustment here in the U.S.
Do I need to purchase University of Washington Health Insurance?
Washington state laws require that international students on an F1 or J visa maintain adequate health insurance while attending the University of Washington. All matriculated international students in F1 or J1 status at the University of Washington are required to purchase the University of Washington Student Health Insurance every quarter they are enrolled in courses. Domestic students are not required to maintain health insurance.
Are there on-campus jobs available for students?
Yes, there are a variety of on-campus jobs for all students. With your UW NetID, you will have access to an on-campus job board where departments across campus advertise open opportunities for students.
If you are a student in F-1 status, you are not allowed to work off-campus but are still eligible for on-campus jobs.
Program admissions information
How can I find out more about a specific program?
Attend info sessions or connect with your counselor early on to plan your curriculum. If you would like more information on application requirements to a specific program offered at UW Bothell, please see the degree programs.
Should I apply as a general transfer student or directly to a program?
Only applicants with fewer than 134.5 transferable college level quarter credits may apply to General Admission/Undecided. If you have 135 or more college-level quarter credits, you must apply directly to an academic program. Please review the degree programs offered. If you are unsure of how many quarter credits you have, please contact us at uwbinfo@uw.edu.
What is the Writing Skills Assessment (WSA) and when should I take it?
The School of Business bachelor’s degree program offers a writing assessment option which must be submitted before the application deadline for the quarter for which they are applying. Please visit the School of Business webpage for more information.