Joshua Heim calls for rethinking the suburbs as a site for the arts

Joshua Heim ('10, Cultural Studies) has recently published a call to rethink the suburbs as a space for arts engagement and development. The article, posted on the Americans for the Arts Artsblog, poses a challenge in its very title: “Over 50 percent of American live and work in suburbs. Are 50% of them arts leaders?” Since graduating from the MA in Cultural Studies, Heim has worked as ...

April 25, 2017

Alumni Shout Out!

Paula Matano (‘12, Policy Studies) is now the program manager for Oregon State University’s Professional and Continuing Education division. In this role, she develops and manages non-degree certificate programs and roughly 50 online and onsite courses. Hillary U (’10, Culture, Literature & the Arts) has accepted the position of Employee Communications Manager for Horizon Air, where she is responsible for employee-facing communication channels, including the company's intranet, for Horizon's 4000 employees. Josh Thompson (’11, Policy Studies) has announced his candidacy for Edmonds City Council...

April 3, 2017

Mindfulmedia artist Drew Stone shares career wisdom through “College to Confidence”

Drew Stone is a mindfulmedia artist bent towards creativity, design, organizational leadership, games, and forward-thinking culture. Drew holds a Certificate of Excellence in Filmmaking from Seattle Film institute. He completed undergraduate degrees in Media & Communication Studies and Society, Ethics & Human Behavior (’14) at UW Bothell and a Master of Communication in Communities and Networks (’16) at UW Seattle. He is a Project Manager for the Augmented Reality tool...

April 3, 2017

Heidi Schauble finds her passion in supporting people with disabilities

Heidi Schauble graduated from UW Bothell with a Bachelor of Arts in Society, Ethics & Human Behavior (’13), and a Master of Arts in Policy Studies (‘15). During this time, she worked as a teacher for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a private, nonprofit school, and she partnered with the Woodinville Rotary to launch the Rotaract Club at UW Bothell, a student club dedicated to civic service. After completing her masters and a capstone research project on education policy issues in Washington State, Heidi was hired as an Employment Consultant for AtWork!...

March 30, 2017

After the MFA: Good things come in small portions

By Natalie Singer-Velush ('16) The time spent as a student in an MFA program, especially the early months, can be overwhelming. There are never enough hours to read, to spend with new ideas, to fulfill the requirements of the program, and also follow our own newly developing inquiries and impulses. The time, conversely, is often also highly charged artistically: These new ideas, however demanding and sleep-depriving, activate a desire to engage deeply with language and art and the process of making and investigating these. One group of IAS’s MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics students responded to that charge by launching a micropress, a project that has evolved as its instigators have, and which has provided space for the incubation and expression of art and ideas within the realm of the program and, now, beyond.

March 20, 2017

Mojan Ahmadi presents on game industry resumes at Game Developers Conference

As Coordinator of Career Services at DigiPen Institute of Technology, IAS alum Mojan Ahmadi (’13, Law, Economics & Public Policy; ’15, Policy Studies) advises students and facilitates professional development opportunities in the video game, entertainment, and technology industry. DigiPen is a private university that offers bachelor and master degree programs, as well K-12 programs. Recently, Mojan and colleagues gave a panel presentation on creating effective game industry resumes at the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco ...

March 13, 2017

Mojan Ahmadi presents on game industry resumes at Game Developers Conference

As Coordinator of Career Services at DigiPen Institute of Technology, IAS alum Mojan Ahmadi (’13, Law, Economics & Public Policy; ’15, Policy Studies) advises students and facilitates professional development opportunities in the video game, entertainment, and technology industry. DigiPen is a private university that offers bachelor and master degree programs, as well K-12 programs. Recently, Mojan and colleagues gave a panel presentation on creating effective game industry resumes at the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco ...

March 13, 2017

Ashley Magdall maximizes student opportunities to grow her career

Ashley Magdall (’15) was a triple major – yes, a triple major in Global Studies, Media & Communication Studies, and Society, Ethics & Human Behavior. While at UW Bothell, she cultivated interests in feminism, psychology, social justice, and media activism, and this richness translated into three degrees. Ashley also took advantage of mentors and opportunities at UW Bothell. She worked as a resident advisor in student housing, a student assistant in Human Resources, and for the IT department throughout her undergraduate career. Because of her drive and taking on additional responsibilities ...

March 9, 2017

Ronnie Thibault featured by UW Graduate School

Master of Arts in Cultural Studies alum Ronnie Thibault is currently featured on the UW Graduate School website for her work in the interdisciplinary individual, Ph.D. program at UW Seattle.The interdisciplinary graduate program, introduced at the UW in the late 1960s, allows for rigorous academic research outside of a single department. The program is designed to allow students like Ronnie to ...

March 8, 2017

Siobhan Wharton shares career strategies with students

Siobhan Wharton (’12, Science, Technology & Society) met with students in Rebecca Price’s Capstone Portfolio class (BIS 499) to discuss her career experiences. A returning student, Siobhan attended UW Bothell while working full-time as a Senior Training Manager and Instructor at AT&T. A fan of the Pacific Science Center and community science events, she discovered a passion for educating people about science and found a job traveling...

March 2, 2017