Siobhan Wharton shares career strategies with students

siobhan wharton career strategies

Siobhan Wharton (’12, Science, Technology & Society) met with students in Rebecca Price’s Capstone Portfolio class (BIS 499) to discuss her career experiences. A returning student, Siobhan attended UW Bothell while working full-time as a Senior Training Manager and Instructor at AT&T. A fan of the Pacific Science Center and community science events, she discovered a passion for educating people about science and found a job traveling the country as a Sales Representative for Aseptico, a leading designer and manufacturer of surgical, endodontic, and portable dental equipment that is distributed worldwide.

In Dr. Price’s class, Siobhan discussed how she communicates the value of her education and addressed the common question: “What’s a degree in [IAS major]?” She uses this question as an opportunity to present her degree in a way that’s relevant to her audience. The core learning objectives of interdisciplinarity – critical and creative thinking; research and inquiry; writing and communication; collaboration and leadership – speak to a variety for roles and sectors. It simply takes forethought and practice to articulate their applicability to a particular job.

Siobhan also encouraged students to use Career Services, saying their assistance is “worth its weight in gold.” She found their guidance with informational interviews and utilizing LinkedIn extremely helpful. In fact, while in school and beyond, she conducted dozens of informational interviews and credits LinkedIn to landing her current job!