Mojan Ahmadi presents on game industry resumes at Game Developers Conference

As Coordinator of Career Services at DigiPen Institute of Technology, IAS alum Mojan Ahmadi (’13, Law, Economics & Public Policy; ’15, Policy Studies) advises students and facilitates professional development opportunities in the video game, entertainment, and technology industry. DigiPen is a private university that offers bachelor and master degree programs, as well K-12 programs. Recently, Mojan and colleagues gave a panel presentation on creating effective game industry resumes at the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco. The presentation provided attendees with clear steps and strategies for crafting impressive applications to set them apart.

Photo of Mojan Ahmadi at conference

"It was thrilling to see the knowledge I regularly share to my students be received as new and fascinating to the attendees. Having the opportunity to speak on one of my greatest passions at GDC reaffirmed for me the value of career advising and how it can truly make a difference in the next generation of the workforce," says Mojan.

Prior to DigiPen, Mojan worked at UW Bothell Career Services where she focused on career preparation for graduate students. Her masters’ thesis, "Emerging Practices of University Career Centers" examined which mechanisms are most effective in preparing students for the job world and avoiding underemployment. Working closely with students in her current role, Mojan continues to innovate and expand professional development programs to equip the next generation of gaming and technology professionals.