IAS faculty members keynote and present at the UW Center for Teaching and Learning symposium

Ben Gardner provided a keynote talk, “Global Studies Pedagogy: Relational teaching, relational thinking,” as part of this year’s emphasis on “Teaching in Global Classrooms.” Alice Pedersen presented on “The Politics & Practices of Yoga: Mindfulness in the First-Year Classroom,” focusing on outcomes from her use of meditation and yoga in her UW Bothell Discovery Core1/BWRIT 134 linked course. Min Tang presented her instructional practices in critical media literacy classes where she integrates global citizenship education in the curriculum and foregrounds an awareness for global communities as an essential aspect to media morality. Becca Price, along with Salwa Al-Noori and Eva Ma from the School of STEM, presented on a program through which early career Ph.D. scientists present a hands-on activity at the Pacific Science Center about cutting edge biological research. Their program supports the broader impact of preparing postdocs to communicate and disseminate science inclusively and effectively through intensive and efficient training.