Space Management

UW Bothell Physical Planning and Space Management office uses the Space Inventory Management System (SIMS) to manage our space inventory. The space inventory system is used by the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB) to track the assignment and utilization of space for the UW. The assignment and utilization information is used by OPB for reporting and decision management. The UW is required to report to state and federal agencies on the UW’s utilization of space. In addition, space utilization data is a key component of the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate proposal development. Data from SIMS is used to develop the F&A rate.

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Space Optimization

A study that investigates how we can better use our existing campus spaces – including classrooms, labs, offices, study, student services, community spaces, amenities, and outdoor areas — to support UW Bothell’s institutional vision. More information about the Space Optimization Study