Frances Lee Essay on Culture of Activism Strikes a Chord

A personal essay by second-year Cultural Studies student Frances Lee has struck a cultural chord and gone viral. Entitled “Kin Aesthetics: Excommunicate Me from the Church of Social Justice,” Lee’s essay explores the culture and climate of current activism.

July 25, 2017

Frances Lee accepts 2017-18 PAGE Fellowship

Master of Arts in Cultural Studies student Frances Lee has been awarded a fellowship with the 2017-18 Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) fellows cohort. PAGE is Imagining America’s network for publicly engaged graduate students in humanities, arts, and design. Fellows participate in ...

July 18, 2017

Charlie Collins publishes “Reflections on Neighborhoods and Collective Efficacy”

IAS faculty member Charlie Collins published a blog post, “Reflections on Neighborhoods and Collective Efficacy,” in the Journal of Urban Affairs. The post comments on an earlier article he published in the same journal, “Transforming social cohesion into informal social control: Deconstructing collective efficacy and the moderating role of neighborhood racial homogeneity,” linking that research to ...

July 6, 2017

Alice Pedersen presents at the British Women Writers Conference

IAS faculty member Alice Pedersen attended the British Women Writers Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she gave a talk entitled "What Tangled Skeins: Ann Radcliffe, Harriet Jacobs, and Genealogies of Feminist Writing," which explored the similarities between the British, 18th-century novelist Ann Radcliffe's scenes of maternal incarceration with ...

July 5, 2017

IAS faculty and students speak at Allied Media Conference in Detroit

IAS faculty member Scott Kurashige will speak in the Opening Ceremony of the 2017 Allied Media Conference. Kurashige, author of The Fifty Year Rebellion, will ground the work of AMC in the context of Detroit as an international model for survival, resistance, and solidarity.

June 21, 2017

Brittaney Bunjong recognized as “Cook 2 Follow” in AllRecipes Magazine

Congratulations to alum Brittaney Bunjong (’16, Media & Communication Studies), on being featured as a “Cook 2 Follow” in the Summer edition of Allrecipes Magazine. Brittaney says, “"It's crazy, when I go to the grocery store I can pick up the Allrecipes Magazine and see MY face sharing what I love. Finding your passion is the root to success. When you do what you love, doors will open. I'm a strong believer in going to your highest potential." Brittaney also appears on Allrecipes website, the world’s largest online food community with up to 55 million cook visits per month.

June 21, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk is featured in UW 360 segment on modern poetry and publishes new work

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk was featured this spring in a Columns article on the state of poetry at UW. The piece, written by IAS alum Quinn Russell Brown, sparked the interest of producers at UW360, who interviewed her about the role of technology and collaboration in her work. Borsuk's digitally-mediated projects include Abra, a free app for iPhone and iPad that invites readers to mutate text with their fingertips, Whispering Galleries, a LeapMotion work which uses the reader's hand gestures to reveal poems hidden within diary entries, and Between Page and Screen, a book of augmented reality poems that only exist in the virtual space opened up by the reader. ...

June 20, 2017