Amaranth Borsuk speaks and reads on the east coast

amaranth borsuk

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk traveled to Temple University in Philadelphia last week to give a lecture as part of the Poets & Writers Series at the Tyler School of Art's gallery, Temple Contemporary. Her talk, "Poetic Mutations and Digital Mediations," traced her interest in the book as a transforming object across her scholarly and creative practice. While on the east coast, Borsuk also traveled to New York to read as part of SUNY Buffalo's Poetics Plus series, held at the Western New York Book Art Center, a fitting space in which to present her poetry and poetics. In addition to having a background in book arts and letterpress printing, Borsuk is the author of a forthcoming volume, The Book (MIT Press), which foregrounds the importance of artists' books in broadening our definition of the book and reminding us of its history as an interactive form.