Amaranth Borsuk presents work in Denmark

amaranth borsuk in denmark

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk and her collaborator Ian Hatcher traveled to Denmark to speak about their creative practice, perform their work, and discuss their project Abra, a hybrid artist's book and iOS app created with Kate Durbin. The two attended the exhibition opening of Fra A til 3D, an exhibition of international new media writing and art at the Roskilde Bibliotekerne. Abra is featured in the exhibit as winner of the Turn On Literature Prize, which presents international digital literature in Denmark, Norway, and Romania at a series of exhibitions this fall and winter. Their public talk and performance put Abra in context, unpacking the ideas behind the project and relating it to threads in both of their solo work. The pair also traveled to Aarhus to deliver a lunch talk and Friday lecture at Aarhus University, where they met with students and faculty working in digital aesthetics. The exhibition in Roskilde will be up through November. A second exhibition, in Bergen Norway, opens that month.