News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Ursula Valdez keynote speaker at the 2017 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium

IAS faculty member Ursula Valdez was one of the keynote speakers at the 2017 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium on “Building Inclusive Classroom Communities.” Valdez’s talk focused on her work to open her classroom to international online interactions. In this case, students from UW Bothell and from a Peruvian university shared knowledge and ideas to tackle environmental issues affecting the Pacific Northwest and Peru. Valdez's work is part of the Collaborative Online Interactive Learning (COIL) initiative that aims to open in-classroom opportunities for global education.

May 9, 2017

Kristin Gustafson publishes two new columns in Clio Among the Media

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson published two new columns in Clio Among the Media: Newsletter of the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, which is part of her role as the Division's Teaching Standards Chair. The column published in the winter 2017 issue discusses how Earnest Perry helps students think beyond the field's cherished First Amendment. Her interview with Perry, co-editor of the 2016 Cross-Cultural Journalism: Communicating Strategically About Diversity and associate professor and associate dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri, shared how he centers the 14th Amendment in journalism history classrooms. Her column in the spring 2017 issue ...

May 8, 2017

Anida Yoeu Ali is published in a new contemporary art book

IAS faculty member Anida Yoeu Ali is one of nine featured artists interviewed in a new book, “Queering Contemporary Asian American Art” recently published by the University of Washington Press. The book edited by Laura Kina and Jan Christian Bernabe takes Asian American differences as its point of departure, and brings together artists and scholars to challenge normative assumptions, essentialisms, and methodologies within Asian American art and visual culture. The book features cutting-edge visual artworks, including Ali’s The Buddhist Bug project alongside other notable contemporary performance artists including Wafaa Bilal, Viet Le and Saya Woolfak.

May 8, 2017

Dan Berger’s Captive Nation featured in Social Justice

IAS faculty member Dan Berger wrote and spoke about his award-winning book Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era recently. The journal Social Justice published a review forum on the book in its latest issue, with commentary from Sarah Haley, Toussaint Losier, and Waldo Martin as well as an author's response from Berger. He also ...

April 27, 2017

Rob Turner speaks about Promises to Keep: Environmental Racism

IAS faculty member Rob Turner was honored to be an invited speaker on April 22 at the 6th Annual North Puget Sound Conference on Race sponsored by the Communities of Color Coalition. The conference theme this year was Promises to Keep: Environmental Racism.

April 27, 2017

Adam Romero wins 2017 Vernon Carstensen Award

IAS faculty member Adam Romero has won the 2017 Vernon Carstensen Award for best article in Agricultural History, the journal of record in the field. Romero's article, “‘From Oil Well to Farm’: Industrial Waste, Shell Oil, and the Petrochemical Turn (1927-1947),” explores the emergence of petroagriculture in California in the interwar period. It tells the story of how two industrial waste products of California’s petroleum industry became industrial agriculture’s chemical salvation ...

April 24, 2017

Jason Lambacher delivers paper on “The Politics of Ecological Nostalgia”

IAS faculty member Jason Lambacher attended the annual conference of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA) this month in Vancouver, B.C. The WPSA is the regional professional association of political scientists and is internationally known as a hot spot for work in environmental political theory. He delivered an environmental political theory paper titled, “The Politics of Ecological Nostalgia.” Lambacher's paper ...

April 21, 2017

Diana Garcia-Snyder performs, promotes, and teaches about Butoh

IAS faculty member Diana Garcia-Snyder was recently interviewed by KCTS9 Arts & Culture series "Dare to be Ugly: Dance That Goes Beyond the Beautiful" highlighting the 8th Annual Seattle International Butoh Festival (SIBF), a two week celebration of butoh dance which ran March 31st- April 9th. Since 2009 Diana has served as Co-Director and performer with DAIPANbutoh, Seattle’s premier Butoh company which produces SIBF. What is Butoh?

April 18, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk publishes audio poem

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk has a new piece in Daily Gramma. Borsuk's audio poem, "elegy facing crochet holes and knit slubs with running stitch," is at once personal and outward-looking, an attempt to think through modes of mourning and resistance as they pass through hands engaged in the craft of caring. The title's impossible act references an attempt to ...

April 12, 2017

Julie Shayne presents about her newest book project at the Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) conference

IAS faculty member Julie Shayne attended the PSA April 6-8, 2017 where she presented a paper about her newest book project. Shayne is working on an edited collection tentatively titled Mobilizing the University: Curriculum, Space, and Solidarity. Mobilizing the University will be an interdisciplinary, edited collection which focuses on the relationship between social justice activism and the university in the Americas. Contributors will use an intersectional feminist framework to ...

April 10, 2017