Kristin Gustafson publishes two new columns in Clio Among the Media

kristin gustafson in clio among the media

IAS faculty member Kristin Gustafson published two new columns in Clio Among the Media: Newsletter of the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, which is part of her role as the Division's Teaching Standards Chair. The column published in the winter 2017 issue discusses how Earnest Perry helps students think beyond the field's cherished First Amendment. Her interview with Perry, co-editor of the 2016 Cross-Cultural Journalism: Communicating Strategically About Diversity and associate professor and associate dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri, shared how he centers the 14th Amendment in journalism history classrooms. Her column in the spring 2017 issue introduces how Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez brings together journalism, storytelling, and history to talk about race relations and structural inequality. Her interview with Rivas-Rodriguez, author of the 2015 Texas Mexican Americans and Postwar Civil Rights and a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas in Austin, describes how the former journalist came to use oral history in her research and teaching, as well as found the Voces Oral History Project and other projects.