News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Charlie Collins publishes “Reflections on Neighborhoods and Collective Efficacy”

IAS faculty member Charlie Collins published a blog post, “Reflections on Neighborhoods and Collective Efficacy,” in the Journal of Urban Affairs. The post comments on an earlier article he published in the same journal, “Transforming social cohesion into informal social control: Deconstructing collective efficacy and the moderating role of neighborhood racial homogeneity,” linking that research to ...

July 6, 2017

Alice Pedersen presents at the British Women Writers Conference

IAS faculty member Alice Pedersen attended the British Women Writers Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she gave a talk entitled "What Tangled Skeins: Ann Radcliffe, Harriet Jacobs, and Genealogies of Feminist Writing," which explored the similarities between the British, 18th-century novelist Ann Radcliffe's scenes of maternal incarceration with ...

July 5, 2017

IAS faculty and students speak at Allied Media Conference in Detroit

IAS faculty member Scott Kurashige will speak in the Opening Ceremony of the 2017 Allied Media Conference. Kurashige, author of The Fifty Year Rebellion, will ground the work of AMC in the context of Detroit as an international model for survival, resistance, and solidarity.

June 21, 2017

Amaranth Borsuk is featured in UW 360 segment on modern poetry and publishes new work

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk was featured this spring in a Columns article on the state of poetry at UW. The piece, written by IAS alum Quinn Russell Brown, sparked the interest of producers at UW360, who interviewed her about the role of technology and collaboration in her work. Borsuk's digitally-mediated projects include Abra, a free app for iPhone and iPad that invites readers to mutate text with their fingertips, Whispering Galleries, a LeapMotion work which uses the reader's hand gestures to reveal poems hidden within diary entries, and Between Page and Screen, a book of augmented reality poems that only exist in the virtual space opened up by the reader. ...

June 20, 2017

Bruce Burgett and Miriam Bartha publish “Lateral Moves – Across Disciplines”

IAS dean Bruce Burgett and director of graduate programs and strategic operations Miriam Bartha published a revised and expanded version of “Lateral Moves – Across Disciplines” in Public: A Journal of Imagining America. Originally published in Lateral, the essay-exchange-intervention is based on an interview conducted with Randy Martin, along with two members of the Cultural Studies Praxis Collective: Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren and Diane Douglass. The publication is part of ...

June 8, 2017

Karen Rosenberg and Julie Shayne speak on a panel in honor of Judy Howard

University of Washington Professor Judy Howard is retiring as Divisional Dean of Social Sciences. On Monday June 5, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies at the UW Seattle campus hosted a half day conference and reception to honor the career and mentoring of Judy. Included in the program was a panel titled “Feminist Scholarly Mentorship and Publishing,” on which both Karen Rosenberg and Julie Shayne were invited panelists.

June 8, 2017

Jed Murr presents “Whiteness: Seven Frames” and also receives early-career faculty fellowship

IAS faculty member Jed Murr presented a multi-media presentation entitled “Whiteness: Seven Frames” as part of INTERRUPTING WHITENESS, a PechaKucha Night at the Seattle Public Library and on KUOW. The event, featuring Robin DiAngelo, Shelby Handler, Ijeoma Oluo, and other cultural workers and organizers, focused on the necessity for white people to work “with communities of color, to center people of color and be supportive of collective work to end racism and create a deeper collective humanity.” Murr’s talk emphasized ...

June 6, 2017

Naomi Bragin and Jade Power-Sotomayor to host “Improvisational Crossings: Social Dance as Interdisciplinary Intervention”

IAS faculty members Naomi Bragin and Jade Power-Sotomayor, together with Juliet McMains (UW Seattle) have been awarded funding from the Simpson Center to host a public two-day colloquium, “Improvisational Crossings: Social Dance as Interdisciplinary Intervention.” This colloquium will bring together six dance scholar/practitioners from differing disciplinary backgrounds for two days of lectures, workshops, and dialogue that address border crossings through the lens of improvisational social dance. Collectively they will ask ...

June 5, 2017