IAS faculty organize Resilient Visions film and media festival

IAS faculty members Minda Martin, Alka Kurian, Susan Harewood, and Masahiro Sugano are organizing the first annual UW Bothell film and media festival. The festival, entitled Resilient Visions, will take place on May 30th, 2019. Organized by internationally known filmmakers and IAS professors of film and media studies, this festival brings together films and media production from UW Bothell students and alumni. Members of the UW Bothell community (graduate and undergraduate students, and alumni) who have made media productions from 2017-2019 are invited to submit to the festival by April 15th, 2019.

Why Resilient Visions?

The title of this festival, Resilient Visions, is to honor the creative power of our UW Bothell community. The contemporary moment can be extremely taxing in a variety of ways. So many students are seeking to juggle school with family and work pressures even as they contend with the ways that that those pressures are further complicated by political, sectarian, economic challenges at the national and international level. Time and again students have used their media production to creatively represent their responses to the world around them through fiction, nonfiction, or experimental film and media genres. Everyone is strongly encouraged to submit.