Lauren Lichty and Janelle Silva both published papers in a special issue of the American Journal of Community Psychology

lauren lichty and janelle silva both published pap

IAS faculty members Lauren Lichty and Janelle Silva both published papers in a special issue of the American Journal of Community Psychology called “Ethical Challenges in Community Psychology Research & Practice.” Co-authored with Eylin Palamaro-Munsell (Northern Arizona University), Lichty’s article Pursuing an Ethical, Socially Just Classroom: Searching for Community Psychology Pedagogy uses first-person narrative to examine the tensions of teaching community psychology in university spaces where interlocking forms of oppression manifest in many ways, including teaching (e.g., what is taught, how, by whom, to whom). Silva’s article Whose Community are You Working for? A Change Agent Case Study draws on a 2-year project with a middle school Latinx Student Union to explore the role and responsibility of the community psychologist in creating change that could potentially harm the group they are meant to be in solidarity with.