IAS faculty members receive support from the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities

Seven IAS faculty members received support from the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities in its fall 2017 funding round. Naomi Bragin will be a Society of Scholars fellow in 2018-19, enabling her to work on her book manuscript, “Black Power of Hip-Hop Dance: On Kinethic Politics.” Ron Krabill and Ben Gardner are teaming up with Anu Taranath on a project focused on “Pedagogies of Reciprocity: The Politics of International Education.” Two pairs of IAS faculty members received Digital Humanities Summer Fellowships. micha cárdenas and Abraham Avnisan will be working on their project “Sin Lluvia,” while Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung will collaborate on “Imagination Stations: Drawing, Drifting, Mapping.”

Congratulations to everyone!