Christian Anderson, Ben Gardner, Jin-Kyu Jung, Santiago Lopez, and Adam Romero present research at the 2016 meeting of the American Association of Geographers in San Francisco

Five IAS faculty members presented at the 2016 meeting of the American Association of Geographers in San Francisco, March 29 – April 2. Christian Anderson presented a paper on “performative infrastructure as an urban social force” as part of a session called “outside the wage: spaces, politics, possibilities.” Ben Gardner presented on the role of conservation organizations as knowledge producers. His paper, “stopping the Serengeti road” was part of a series of panels honoring the geographer Michael Watt’s contribution to Geography. Santiago Lopez and Jin-Kyu Jung presented their co-authored paper, “linking climate science, geographic information science and qualitative research: understanding climate change impacts on local adaptation in the Tropical Ecuadorian Andes” as part of a session on “climate change and indigenous peoples.” Adam Romero co-organized and spoke on the panel “chemical geographies: science, politics and materiality.” The session was “meant to start a critical conversation on the social dynamics and politics inherent in chemicals.”