
Mission & model

We aim to help UW Bothell students develop skills and confidence with quantitative reasoning. We offer free in-person and online tutoring by drop-in appointments.

We ask a lot of questions, work through examples and model the problem-solving process so that students understand the concepts related to their coursework. Stop by the Academic Learning Commons in Commons Hall room UW2-030 during our office hours for support.

Quick links

What we tutor

We provide drop-in assistance, during our business hours, for UW Bothell courses that use numbers, such as Math, Statistics, Business, Biological, Physical, or Environmental Science, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. Tutoring is provided in-person in the Academic Learning Commons room UW2-030 and remotely via Zoom during normal business hours.

  • Other related quantitative subjects
  • Microsoft Excel, Matlab, SPSS, Access, calculators, or similar mathematical technology
  • Test preparation
  • Math and test anxiety

Our tutors specialize in courses offered at UW Bothell. If UW Bothell students have questions pertaining to a math course (or other courses containing math or quantitative issues) not offered at UW Bothell, please feel free to call 425-352-3170 or email uwbqsc@uw.edu to check if any of our tutors have experience with the course you need help with.

Before you come in

  • Can we help with your subject at a particular time? Check the subject schedule before dropping in to see if a tutor is available for your subject during your desired time.
  • Go to class, read the textbook and try the problems. That way you will be prepared to discuss concepts and explain exactly what part of your course content you want assistance with.
  • Please read through our ALC use expectations to familiarize yourself with our standards of student behavior in the QSC.
  • Have a favorite tutor but don’t see a name? You can find out who our QSC tutors are and what they specialize in on our team page.

When you arrive

No appointment necessary! Please sign in at the Kiosk Computer next to the Front Desk. This helps us with scheduling and defends our need for funding. Settle anywhere — we have group tables, tables for two, computer stations and a quiet room.

  1. From the main queue page, tap “Request Help”
  2. Select subject (required)
  3. Select sub-subject and/or desired tutor (optional)
  4. Click “Enter”
  5. Now you are in the queue! When the next tutor who can help with your subject becomes available, he or she will come to the table from which you requested help.
  6. You can check your status on the queue on the main page. If you have any questions about the electronic queue, please ask the Front Desk Coordinator to assist you.

After assisting you with your conceptual question, the tutor will let you get back to working independently, until the next time you are in the queue.

Online drop-in tutoring

We recognize the need for students to receive assistance remotely, especially for hybrid and online courses. In order to provide the same support to distance learning students, we are offering online tutoring through Zoom video sessions. We will offer the same support via Zoom as we do in the center, during the same hours and with the same tutors.

We are funded to only assist students enrolled at UW Bothell; please let us know if this does not describe you and we will try to help you locate other resources (see bottom of page)!

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with Zoom tools before you request help from a tutor. We also recommend that you check the QSC schedule to make sure we have a tutor available for your specific course.

How to access the online QSC:

  1. Log in to Zoom using your UW student ID.
  2. Join the Zoom room.
  3. The QSC coordinator will ask you to private message them your UW NetID in the Zoom chat (your information before the “@uw.edu”) and what you are planning to do at the learning center (tutoring, study group, etc.).
  4. Please provide the course code (EX: STMATH 124) for the class in which you need tutoring.
  5. The QSC coordinator will send you to a breakout room and the first available tutor will join you as soon as possible.
  6. A feedback form link will be sent to you. Please take the time to respond, your feedback will help us improve our online tutoring. Thank you in advance for taking a moment and letting us know how we are doing and how we can improve.
  7. When you and the tutor have completed the tutoring session, feel free to either return to the main room where the QSC coordinator may assign you to a private or group study room, or you may leave the Zoom meeting.
  8. Feel free to return whenever you would like!

During your session:

  • Upload a photo/PDF/doc of the problem you’re requesting help with, or be ready to screen share your problem with your tutor.
  • Make sure you can use your microphone and the text chat feature. You are not required to use the video function, though it may make it easier to communicate.

Tips for having a successful tutoring session

  • Before seeking help you should attempt the problem yourself so you know what, specifically, you are stuck on.
  • Having lecture notes, notes, textbook and PowerPoint slides ready to show the tutor or reference.
  • Begin your session by offering to read/explain the problem to the tutor or let them read it themselves.
  • Offer tutor any extra resources that may help solve the problem such as class notes or a specific section of your textbook.
  • Allow your tutor to talk through the problem and ask you clarifying questions about your strategy so far and what you have discussed in class.
  • Don’t completely rely on the tutor, look at the session as an opportunity to think through what is confusing you and untangle the concept, you know more than you might think!
  • Help look at other sources for examples or anything that can help. Working through a difficult problem together creates a more proficient work environment that will most likely lead to a solution.
  • Have a positive attitude, no matter how difficult the problem.
  • Mention any ideas you might have on how to find the solution. Keep in mind that you are the one taking the class currently, so you might be more aware of the problem-solving process for each question than your tutor.
  • You can also request another tutor who might have a better idea on how to solve the problem or go to your professor’s office hours.
  • Explain what you have gone over in your own words.
  • Ask any last questions or confusions.

Specific questions that emphasize learning the problem solving process and mention a targeted area of confusion are the most helpful for your learning, here are some examples:

  • Could I walk you through my process for this homework question?
  • I got to this part of the problem, but now I’m unsure of where to go?
  • I didn’t really get this section in lecture, and now I don’t know where to even start?
  • I am following this example in my notes/text/etc and I don’t get how they made this jump?
  • Do you know where I could look to find more practice for these kinds of problems?

Tutors are not allowed to check work or debug code as this a violation of QSC conduct. It is also important to keep in mind that the QSC offers 30 minute sessions, so try to keep your questions focused on a specific problem in order to share the tutors. Here are some examples of questions that aren’t helpful to ask:

  • Can we go through the entire assignment?
  • Can you check my work?
  • Is this right?
  • Will you debug my code?
  • What is the answer to <this> question?
  • Could you find where I went wrong?

Not a UW Bothell student?

We are only funded to support UW Bothell students. If you do not attend UW Bothell, please visit the links below for information on alternate means of support:


Please send us feedback (uwbqsc@uw.edu) to let us know what your questions are, what’s working, and on what we can improve. Thanks!