Online data sets & resources
The links below provide websites with data sets and resources to help you manage and utilize the data effectively.
Finding data
- Access Washington: Washington State government information and services
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Data, statistics, and information on diseases provided by the U.S. government
- The Center for Social Science Computation and Research: Located at UWS, has a searchable data archive
- CIA – The World Factbook: Contains data on the world’s countries
- The home of the U.S. Government’s open data
- The home of King County’s open data
- The home of Seattle’s open data
- The home of Washington State’s open data
- Open source energy data
- FedStats: The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies
- Human Development Reports: Reports from the United Nations Development Program
- NOAA Climate maps and data
- National Archives: Database of records from many sources
- National Center for Education Statistics: A database of data tools and resources
- NSF National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics: Information, databases and other resources about statistics
- ProQuest International Datasets: Database for research, datasets, and other resources
- U.S.A. Trade Online: U.S. Merchandise trade data
- U.S. Census Bureau Data: United States census data
- U.S. Department of Agriculture: Economic research service data
- U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
- U.S. Department of Education: Data and research about education in the United States
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security Data: Statistical reports and machine readable data sets
- U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor statistics
- U.S. Department of Transportation: Research and statistics on transportation in the United States
- U.S. Department of the Treasury: Data and charts center for the United States treasury
- UW Bothell Library Data Services: Physical and virtual resources for finding, analyzing, visualizing, and managing data
- UW Seattle Library Statistical Data Guide: International Inter-Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations
Managing & using data
- The Future of Research Communications and e-Scholarship: Advice on citation of data.
- Guidelines for Effective Graphics, tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation website
- Guidelines for Good Statistical Graphics in Excel, from the Statistical Services Centre at the University of Reading
- Guidelines for Statistical Graphs, from the Energy Information Administration
- Interactive Data Visualizations: Gapminder: An animated graph of the world’s trends; Small arms imports and exports interactive globe.
- UW Bothell Library Data and Data Visualization Guide: Find Data, Visualize Data, and Citing Data.
- UW Bothell QSC Software Tutorials: Bloomberg, Excel, GIS, and SPSS.
- UW Bothell QSC Statistics Refresher: Contains a refresher document and videos from Dr. Collins.
- UW Library Data Management Guide: Data Management Plans, Organization and Format, Sharing and Storage, and Guides, Books, Journals and More.