Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Application Process

The UW Bothell Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP) provides assistance to UW Bothell students in covering the costs of childcare for their children (newborn – 12 years old) while enrolled in an eligible program of study. Funding is released directly to the student (not the care provider) and may be used for full-time, part-time, evening, weekend, and emergency care. Students are required to submit proof of childcare expenses each quarter to maintain eligibility.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for child care assistance, you need to:

  • be enrolled at UW Bothell Campus in a fee-paying program of study,
  • be the legal, physical, or custodial parent of the child,
  • meet financial need requirements,
  • use a care provider not related by blood or marriage to the student, and
  • submit a CCAP Application and submit documented proof of child care expenses each quarter.

How To Apply

Students interested in obtaining funding to cover the costs of childcare may do so by completing the steps below. For questions or troubleshooting any application issues, please contact the Parenting Student Resource Program at

1. Complete the Childcare Assistance Application form for the quarter you wish to request funding.

2. Complete a Financial Aid Revision Request Form. This form is used by The Office of Student Financial Aid to factor in the costs of childcare to potentially revise your financial aid award, allowing for additional funding without reducing other sources of aid. (Note: only one Financial Aid Revision Request Form is required each academic year.)

If you need to report changes after you have submitted an application, or if your child care situation changes during the quarter, please send updates via email to

Ensure that you are applying to the correct campus (incorrect UW campus applications will not be considered).

What Happens After I Submit an Application?

You will receive an automated response after your application is submitted via Microsoft Forms. The Parenting Student Resource Program Manager will reach out to you via email with any questions or if any additional information is needed to process you application.

CCAP award notifications will be sent via email before the 1st day of the quarter (for those who apply before the start of the quarter), or within 2 weeks of application date (for those who apply after the quarter has started).

At the end of each quarter: Submit your child care cost verification form and receipts.

Failure to submit cost verification for CCAP awards may prevent students from receiving funding in future quarters.

Funding Information

Funding will be awarded on a quarter-by-quarter basis based on availability of funds and student need. Receiving funding for one quarter does not automatically guarantee funding will be awarded in future quarters.

For questions about Financial Aid, please contact or 425-352-5240.

The application for each respective quarter covers the following months:

QuarterMonths CoveredApplication Opens
SummerJuly, August, SeptemberJune 1
AutumnOctober, November, DecemberSeptember 1
WinterJanuary, February, MarchDecember 1
SpringApril, May, JuneMarch 1

We continue to re-assess and evaluate our funding levels throughout the quarter trying to meet the needs of as many student parents as we are able.

Services and Activities Fees

Services and Activities Fees (SAF) are charged to all registered students for the express purpose of funding student services and programs. The level and distribution of the fee is recommended by the SAF Committee, approved by the chancellor, and authorized by the Board of Regents for each academic year. The Parenting Student Resource Program submits an annual request from SAF as our primary source of funding for CCAP awards.

Tax Information

Money received through the Child Care Assistance Program may be considered taxable income and will be listed on your 1098T form.

International Students: If you are receiving additional Grant or Fellowship funding, that combined with your Childcare Grant exceeds your tuition charge you may be subject to a 14% tax on the amount that exceeds tuition. Please review tax information regarding “ Foreign Person’s U.S. Source income” IRS’s website.

Please note: we are not trained to advise on tax laws. Please contact a tax advisor for their instructions.