Student Guide to Academic Integrity

Students at the University of Washington are expected to maintain a certain standard of conduct and be responsible members of the community. The Student Conduct Code defines prohibited conduct and describes how the University holds students accountable as they pursue their academic goals.

Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to

  • Cheating
  • Falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Unauthorized Collaboration
  • Engaging in behavior prohibited by an instructor
  • Multiple submissions of the same work (self-plagiarism)
  • Destroying or damaging another person’s work
  • Recording without permission of the instructor (those with university accommodations are exempt)

Avoiding academic misconduct

The following guidelines are intended to help UW Bothell students make responsible choices involving matters of academic conduct and to help them understand their individual responsibilities and obligations as members of the University community.

  • Be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct, statements, guidelines, and enforcement procedures provided by the University of Washington and UW Bothell. Those who violate University rules regarding academic honesty are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including suspension and dismissal. Ignorance is no defense.
  • Be honest and act respectfully toward others at all times. Do not seek unfair advantage over others by cheating, plagiarizing, fabrication, or facilitation.
  • Encourage others to behave fairly and to respect ethical academic conduct. Accept responsibility by refusing to assist in others’ misconduct and discouraging others from engaging in misconduct. Recognize that you are authorized to report clear cases of academic misconduct when you have witnessed them.
  • If you are unsure about any part of an assignment, request clarification from the instructor. Failure to understand clear instructions is no excuse for misconduct. When in doubt, always ask!

Make safe assumptions about academic honor: It is your responsibility to understand and follow academic standards for crediting the sources of ideas, information, and phraseology to avoid plagiarizing.


Students, faculty and staff are asked to report whenever student misconduct is observed or suspected.

Report Misconduct


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