Husky Pantry

About the Husky Pantry
We understand that sometimes students go through a rough patch and need a little help. Husky Pantry is a resource for all UW Bothell students who might be between paychecks or just need some extra resources to get through the week or month.
The Husky Food Pantry may be accessed by any UW Bothell student who is facing food insecurity. During open hours, students can shop for grocery staple items, as well as seasonal products, hygiene and toiletry items (all items are non-perishable). Students may stop by the pantry during open hours, or can request access at other times by emailing
Hours and Location
The Husky Pantry is located in the Health and Wellness Resource Center (HaWRC) in ARC 120.
During Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, the Husky Pantry is generally available Monday – Thursday, 10am – 4pm.
If you need to access the pantry at a particular time outside of these hours, please email and we can work to have someone available.
There is also an after-hours box located outside of the door that students can select food and wellness items from during hours that the HaWRC office is closed.
Who do you help?
Did you know according to a recent survey by the Washington Student Achievement Council, about 40% of WA state college students experience food insecurity? The UWB Husky Pantry is here to help any currently enrolled UW Bothell student.
I’m short on food, but I don’t think I need “help.”
Come in anyways! Just look around or leave with a couple grocery bags, it’s your choice. We are here to support you, however you need it. We can also provide you for resources on how to cook on a budget, tips for reducing food waste, and other community resources that support hunger and food security.
Will this impact my financial aid?
No. Accessing the Husky Pantry has no impact on your financial aid, or government assistance programs (including Basic Food/SNAP).
Is there a limit on food or other items?
There is currently no limit on items. Take what you need, but eat what you take. You might see suggested portions for certain items. This is to help ensure we don’t run out of high-demand items. If there is something else you’d like to see in the space, let us know.
Do I need to make an appointment? Do I need to bring my Husky Card or other paperwork with me?
At this time, no appointment is needed. We are open Monday-Thursday from 10a-4p. Stop by any time during our open hours. We ask students to complete an Intake Form and provide their UW Student ID the first time they use the Husky Pantry each quarter, but we currently are not asking students to present a Husky Card or other proof of enrollment at this time.
What is your privacy policy?
Privacy is at the center of our mission to ensure the dignity of all individuals. Students are required to sign in each time they visit the Husky Pantry using PantrySoft. Information will not be shared with any entity, individual, or organization outside of the requirements to fulfill USDA, University of Washington, and United Way of King County policies. All data collected is shared in aggregate and deidentified. (Example: “421 UWB students utilized the Husky Pantry during Fall ’23.”)
How can I donate to the Husky Pantry?
Food donations can be donated directly to the Husky Pantry during open hours (Monday-Thursday from 10a-4p). At this time we can only accept products that are commercially packaged, unopened, and unexpired. Financial donations for the pantry are gratefully accepted. Please visit the UWB Advancement page through this link to donate directly to the pantry. If you would like to host a food drive for your department or organization, please email us
Off-campus food resources
The Husky Pantry strives to support students experiencing hunger and food insecurity, and we know we can’t do it all on our own. Please visit the Resource Library page on the HaWRC website to find additional food resources that can help fill in some of the gaps.
If you are struggling to find resources that meet your needs, please email, and the staff at the Health and Wellness Resource Center can assist you or answer any questions.
Hopelink Mobile Market
The Husky Pantry and UWB have partnered with Hopelink to bring their Mobile Market to campus.
The Hopelink Mobile Market is a mobile food pantry that visits campus twice per month to provide pantry staples as well as fresh produce and meat/dairy items. They park on Campus Way outside of the ARC on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, from 11:30am-12:30pm. For fastest service when you visit, please fill out the Hopelink Enrollment Form prior to your visit.
Anyone from the community can also access the Mobile Market at other locations throughout the week. Please visit the full Mobile Market schedule for more information.
Contact information
If you have questions or feedback about the Husky Food pantry, please email the Health and Wellness Resource Center at
Follow us!
Follow us on social media for the most up to date info and events.
Instagram: hawrc_uwbcc
Facebook: @hawrc