Basic Needs Programs

Is balancing life, work, and college getting in the way of your success? Are you looking for support but aren’t sure where to go? The HaWRC is a one-stop hub connecting both UW Bothell and Cascadia students with on-campus and community resources. We are committed to advancing health equity for the UW Bothell and Cascadia College community, so all students are supported in their holistic wellbeing and to persist through college.

Our current basic needs programs include the Basic Needs Resource Navigator, the Husky Food Pantry, and the Parenting Student Resource Program.

We are always working to build our network of on-campus and community resources for students, so that we can connect you with resources are most helpful. This can include helping determine if you may be eligible for public benefits programs like SNAP grocery assistance, or making sure that you know about our on-campus food pantries. We can help you apply for emergency funding sources or connect you with our partners at the United Way Benefits Hub program for housing navigation.

Book an appointment

If you would like to learn more about possible financial, food, or housing options that may exist on campus or in the community, you can stop by the HaWRC office, or book an in-person or remote appointment with the UW Bothell Resource Navigator.