News from the School of IAS

Category: Research and Creative Practice

Rebecca Brown publishes Not Heaven, Somewhere Else, a cycle of stories

IAS Senior Artist-in-Residence Rebecca Brown's new book of stories, Not Heaven, Somewhere Else, a cycle of stories was published by Tarpaulin Sky Press in October. The book has been reviewed in The Seattle Review of Books and The Stranger. From The Seattle Review of Books: "Rebecca Brown is the smartest writer in Seattle. ..."

December 5, 2018

Queer and Trans POC sex worker perspectives

IAS faculty member Kari Lerum, in collaboration with the Seattle LGBTQ Commission, the Seattle Commission for People with DisAbilities, SWOP-Seattle, and the Coalition for the Rights and Safety for People in the Sex Trade, led a public forum at Seattle City Hall featuring the voices of Queer and Trans POC in the sex industry. The event, which attracted approximately 70 community members, focused on the crisis caused by recent federal legislation (SESTA/FOSTA) on the lives of the minoritized ​...

December 5, 2018

Kristine Mroczek presents “Markers of ‘Indigenous-made’ Souvenirs”

IAS faculty member Kristine Mroczek presented her work at the National Communication Association annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. The title of her poster presentation was “Markers of ‘Indigenous-made’ Souvenirs: The Semiotic and Discursive Production of ‘Authenticity’ and Cultural Capital in Australian Aboriginal Tourism Arts."

December 5, 2018

Asia Foundation Highlights Anida Yoeu Ali in New Exhibition Challenging Patriarchy

The Asia Foundation highlighted IAS faculty member Anida Yoeu Ali as one of 11 female artists and filmmakers challenging patriarchy in a new exhibition titled “FRAME: How Asia Pacific Feminist Filmmakers and Artists Are Confronting Inequalities.” The exhibition opened Nov 27, 2018 at the Griffith Film School Gallery in Brisbane, Australia and ran on the eve of the 12th annual Asia Pacific Screen Awards.

December 3, 2018

Amaranth Borsuk interviewed by UW News on THE BOOK

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk’s work on The Book (2018, MIT Press) is highlighted in a new interview on the UW News site. The article, “Papyrus scrolls to Kindle and beyond: UW professor pens meditation on ‘the book,’” begins: “What is a “book” in the digital age — and what will it become? In a new book of her own, Amaranth Borsuk discusses the idea of “the book” through its incarnations as clay tablets, papyrus scrolls and the bound sheets of a codex on to the hyperlinked, multimedia format of the digital age.” Read the full interview.

November 29, 2018

Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali featured on King 5 TV and The News Tribune for their new public art work

IAS Artists-in-Residence Masahiro Sugano and Anida Yoeu Ali’s latest collaborative installation was prominently featured on King 5 TV and The News Tribune. On November 11, 2018 Ali and Sugano unveiled their new public artwork titled “Hello. How Are You?” on their own front yard located in Tacoma, Washington. Comprised of bright white letters measuring 4 feet in height, the large-scale outdoor installation spells out the common American greeting “Hello. How are you?” For their special launch event ...

November 28, 2018

Dan Berger on What the Latest Bipartisan Prison Reform Gets Wrong and Why It Matters

IAS faculty member Dan Berger published an op-ed in Truthout on the First Step Act, a bipartisan reform measure now supported by the Trump administration. In reviewing the proposed law, Berger highlights the bipartisan failure to attend to the policies that would meaningfully reduce the number of people in prison. Berger also delivered two recent talks on similar topics ...

November 19, 2018

Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) faculty present at the annual National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference

GWSS faculty organized sessions, presented papers, and celebrated their new book at the annual NWSA conference in Atlanta, Georgia. GWSS faculty coordinator Julie Shayne organized a session called “The Permanence of the Feminist Classroom: Murals, Archives, and Films.” On this panel she presented a paper called “Feminist Pedagogy + Feminist Knowledge Production = Feminist Archives” about the Feminist Community Archive of WA (FCA-WA) project she co-created and grows through her class “Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexuality” (BISGWS 302), offered this winter. Alka Kurian was also ...

November 15, 2018