Abigail Echo-Hawk discusses sexual violence among urban native Seattle women on KUOW

IAS alum Abigail Echo-Hawk spoke with KUOW’s Guy Nelson about a 2010 survey of Native women living in the Seattle area. It found that 94 percent had been raped or coerced into sex at some point during their lives. Echo-Hawk directs the Urban Indian Health Institute (UHIHI) in Seattle and holds an M.A. in Policy Studies (’09) and B.A. in American Studies (’07) from UW Bothell. UIHI’s mission is “to decolonize ...

September 18, 2018

Andrea Downs advances her career in special education

IAS Alum Andrea (Sweerus) Downs has worked in special education for close to ten years, specializing in emotional behavioral disabilities. Downs has advocated for equity, changes in discipline polices, and equal access to educational supports and environments. Since leaving the classroom, she has worked as a behavior specialist and program facilitator for both Everett and Seattle Public Schools, and most recently, accepted a position as the Director of Special Services with Coupeville School District. There, she will oversee ...

September 14, 2018

Allyson Fredericksen helps organizations thrive

Allyson Fredericksen has dedicated more than 10 years to serving nonprofits. Passionate about social justice and mobilizing communities for change, she has found her calling as a strategic operations professional, helping organizations create efficient and effective internal systems so they can focus on their missions. Fredericksen is thrilled to ...

September 6, 2018

Dan Jacoby discusses the Janus decision’s implications for labor unions

IAS faculty member Dan Jacoby wrote a commentary for The Herald on the Supreme Court’s Janus decision, which put an end to public agency unions requiring non-union member to pay “agency fees” toward collective bargaining expenses. Jacoby argues that the Janus decision will weaker unions and put workers at risk. “…this ruling will push public policy further down the discredited path of private contracting agencies. Private contractors do bargain the terms of employment, but ...

July 16, 2018

Melissa Watkinson researches the social and cultural dimensions of ocean acidification

IAS alum Melissa Watkinson is a social scientist with Washington Sea Grant where she supports the social science efforts on the Olympic Coast Ocean Acidification Vulnerability study. Washington Sea Grant, the UW Applied Physics Laboratory, and the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean have teamed with federal and tribal partners to study the social and ecological vulnerabilities of ocean acidification in the Olympic Coast. They hope their work will help policy makers and tribal communities develop evidence-based strategies for anticipating and responding to the effects of ocean acidification. “Harvesting ...

May 29, 2018

New veterans center coming to UW Bothell

Chancellor Wolf Yeigh announced that a new veterans resource center will open on campus in fall 2018. A task force of students, faculty, staff and alumni recommended creation of a center to enhance veterans’ educational experience, and MA in Policy Studies student and IAS alum Ben Studley (’16), was critical to the process. Studley is a Navy veteran and ...

April 26, 2018

Megan Dunn advocates for pesticide alternatives and district elections

Megan Dunn (’13, Policy Studies) is Program Director for Healthier People and Communities with Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides where she leads efforts to advocate and educate for pesticide alternatives within Washington schools, public spaces, and low income housing. For example, Dunn has worked with Northshore School District to adopt an Integrated Pest Management policy that protects children, staff, and families from exposure to pesticides by stopping harmful pesticide approaches and advancing ecologically sound alternatives. Dunn has enjoyed partnering with UW Bothell Grounds Supervisor, Tyson Kemper, on this initiative. ...

April 24, 2018

Debbie Hopkins connects Our Coast Community Film Series to UW Bothell

As a member of the Snohomish County Marine Resource Committee (MRC), alum Debbie Hopkins (’17) brought the Our Coast Community Film Series to UW Bothell. The film series is the MRC’s annual outreach initiative, aimed at educating the community about local and global marine ecosystems. Hopkins saw UW Bothell as an ideal site for connecting both students and community members to contemporary issues. The final UW Bothell showing occurs on Sunday, April 22, with Chasing Coral, a film revealing climate change’s ...

April 19, 2018

Charlie Collins and Shelby Guidry publish in the Journal of Urban Affairs

IAS faculty member Charlie Collins and second year Master of Arts in Policy Studies student Shelby Guidry published a paper in the Journal of Urban Affairs titled, "What effect does inequality have on residents’ sense of safety? Exploring the mediating processes of social capital and civic engagement." The paper examines the role of economic inequality, social capital, and civic engagement on residents' perceptions of neighborhood safety. Collins and Guidry found that ...

March 19, 2018

Jin-Kyu Jung co-authors “A Hybrid Approach to Geotweets”

IAS faculty member Jin-Kyu Jung co-authored a new book chapter with Jungyeop Shin, “A Hybrid Approach to Geotweets: Reading and Mapping Tweet Contexts on Marijuana Legalization and Same-Sex Marriage in Seattle, Washington.” The chapter, which appears in Thinking Big Data in Geography: New Regimes, New Research, presents a new way of reflecting on various epistemologies, ontologies, and methodologies of geographic analysis of big data. It allows us to ...

March 8, 2018