Camille Walsh publishes Racial Taxation: Schools, Segregation, and Taxpayer Citizenship, 1869-1973

IAS faculty member Camille Walsh published Racial Taxation: Schools, Segregation, and Taxpayer Citizenship, 1869-1973 with the University of North Carolina Press. The book explores the history of the concept of “taxpayer citizenship”—the idea that, as taxpayers, we deserve access to certain social services like a public education. It shows how tax policy and taxpayer identity were built on the foundations of white supremacy and intertwined with ideas of whiteness. From the origins of unequal public school funding ...

February 21, 2018

Sustainability guru Sean Schmidt champions good biz

In his Nordstrom days, co-workers called Sean Schmidt (’09, Policy Studies) the "Green Machine" and an "environmental entrepreneur." Ahead of the curve, Sean was the driving force behind several grassroots employee groups which sought to heighten sustainability awareness at the company and better serve customers who were seeking sustainable products. In 2000, Sean led the effort to launch a Sustainable Business & Development program at Nordstrom with the goal of improving and expanding the company in ways that had economic, as well as social and environmental value, by ...

February 20, 2018

Melinda Bocci builds inclusive communities through education and employment

Melinda Bocci (’06) had worked several years in the developmental disabilities sector when she decided to pursue a master’s in Policy Studies. Much of her work was driven by policy, and she wanted to impact change at a systemic level. While earning her degree, critical disability legislation was being implemented in Washington state. Melinda chose to ...

December 21, 2017

Heidi Larwick receives “20 under 40 Rising Business Stars” award

On December 5, alum Heidi Larwick ('05, Policy Studies) received a "20 under 40 Rising Business Stars" award, recognizing her as one of 20 emerging business leaders making a difference in the Eugene-Springfield, Oregon community. Larwick is the Director of Connected Lane County, a coalition aiming to increase the number of high school graduates who are successful in higher education and life by creating a streamlined transition between early childhood, K–12, and higher education. Larwick is also ...

December 13, 2017

Jefferson Ketchel named Snohomish Health District Administrator

On November 7, the Board of Health confirmed Jefferson Ketchel (’08, Policy Studies) as Administrator of the Snohomish Health District. Board Chair Adrienne Fraley-Monillas stated, “It was clear through our search that Jeff is the best person for the job, and we couldn’t be more pleased. He has a passion not just for public health, but this agency and the people of Snohomish County. Jeff has the board’s full support and confidence as we continue moving the health district forward as the community’s chief health strategist.”

November 29, 2017

David Doyle reflects on his transition from Microsoft to public service

In September 2016, David Doyle (’15, Policy Studies) began a new venture as City of Seattle’s Open Data Program Manager. The Open Data Program makes the data generated by the City of Seattle openly available to the public, enabling those outside of government to find solutions to our most pressing civic challenges. The Master of Arts in Policy Studies program was pivotal in David’s transition from 18 years at Microsoft to the public sector. “Once ...

September 12, 2017

Alumni Shout Out!

Jennifer Clarke Caruso (’08, Policy Studies) has joined ELEVATE Global as Director of their Supplier Ownership program. Jennifer began her career as a social responsibility specialist at Nordstrom, and then spent nine years at the Fair Labor Association (FLA) supporting licensees and other leading companies in building ethical sourcing programs that promote and protect workers’ rights and improve working conditions. Heidi Hannah (16, Global Studies) is a Humanitarian Action Fellow with ...

August 3, 2017

Caitlin Moore’s research on heat islands contributes to Snohomish County’s healthy housing assessment

For her M.A. in Policy Studies capstone project, Cailtin Moore (’17) researched heat islands in Snohomish County, mapping temperatures and impervious surfaces. Caitlin’s finding show that developed areas of Everett and other cities are warmer than rural areas. She gave her report, “Turning up the Heat: Urban Heat Islands in Snohomish County” to the Snohomish Health District. Interim Administrator Jeff Ketchel says it will be part of the county’s healthy housing assessment in October. Read the full article about Caitlin’s research.

August 3, 2017

Cathleen MacCaul helps secure legislation protecting seniors

Cathleen MacCaul, AARP Advocacy Director and a first-year Policy Studies student, is helping to secure new bipartisan legislation intended to protect seniors from financial exploitation. Thanks to her research and strategic advocacy, House bill 1153 has passed both legislative houses and is currently on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature. MacCaul has worked on passing such legislation for three years ...

May 3, 2017

Policy Studies alumni discuss their career paths with students

Alums Nate Brown (’13), Natasha Hundley (’07), and Brandon Mayfield (’10) recently visited campus to discuss their career trajectories, how they’ve applied policy studies to their professional roles, and resources they maximized as students. Nate Brown is a Research Coordinator at the Center for Education Data and Research (CEDR). Nate entered education research following ...

April 28, 2017