Jed Murr receives grant for Black Arts Northwest project

IAS faculty member Jed Murr has received a UW Bothell Scholarship, Research and Creative Practice Seed Grant for his project, Black Arts Northwest, Phase One. The grant will enable the creation of a publicly accessible, interactive online digital history platform dedicated to preserving and sharing the story of a Black Power mural created in Seattle in the early 1970s in relation to the rich history, culture, and politics of Black Seattle. The digital platform constitutes ...

June 8, 2020

Letter of Solidarity to our Black Students

Dear IAS students, We first want to apologize for our delay in getting this message to you. Please do not take our silence as inaction on our part. From the first ship bringing enslaved people in 1619, to the Colfax, Louisiana massacre in 1873, to the burning of Tulsa this week in 1921, to the police murder of Amadou Diallo in New York in 1999, to Ferguson in 2014, and so many more, state violence with impunity against Black people is everywhere in US history. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd,Tony McCade, David McAtee. There are so many more names before these that should also be named out loud, exemplifying the Call to Action initiated by the Black students at the Seattle campus, the petition signed by students, faculty, and staff throughout the UW, and the ongoing pain of the Black community, our Black students, our Black faculty, and our Black staff. ...

June 4, 2020

Jed Murr receives Fulbright US Scholar award to Slovenia

IAS faculty member Jed Murr has received a Fulbright US Scholar award to Slovenia, where he will work with students, educators, and cultural workers in two major institutions to explore the possibilities and problems that emerge when performing the transnational work of American Studies, Black Studies, and Ethnic Studies in classrooms and arts spaces outside of the US university. ...

May 15, 2020

Stephanie Chavez joins board of Latino/a Bar Association of Washington

IAS Alum Stephanie Chavez (’14) has always been driven by her passion for law and helping underrepresented communities. A natural extension of this commitment is her recent appointment to the board of the Latino/a Bar Association of Washington (LBAW) as Director of Legal Clinics. The purpose of the LBAW to represent the concerns and goals of Latino attorneys and the Latino people of the State of Washington. Chavez has worked for ...

May 14, 2020

Yolanda Padilla discusses the “Politics of the Archive/s” and Latinx print culture

IAS faculty member Yolanda Padilla visited the University of Arizona by invitation from the Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory via Zoom in April. She discussed Latinx print culture in the context of critical archive studies with a graduate class called "Politics of the Archive/s." She then gave a public lecture titled "Recovering Borderlands Modernism ...

May 7, 2020

Neil Simpkins on college writing as a disabled student

IAS faculty member Neil Simpkins explores how disabled students experience college writing and the rhetorical tactics they use to navigate higher education. Simpkins advises faculty to use the course syllabus to open dialogue with a student about their needs.

May 1, 2020

Dan Berger: As the Coronavirus Spreads, Prisoners are Rising Up for their Health

IAS faculty member Dan Berger published an op-ed in The Appeal about the rising number of protests in jails, prisons, and detention centers against the spread of the pandemic. More than 3,000 incarcerated people have participated in more than 75 protests and uprisings, Berger and his coauthors write. He coauthored the op-ed with two researchers from Perilous Chronicle, a digital timeline of prisoner unrest in the twenty-first century. ...

April 28, 2020

Amani Sawari advocates for release of Michigan prisoners amidst COVID-19

IAS alum Amani Sawari (’16) is the statewide campaign coordinator for the Michigan Prisoner Rehabilitation Credit Act (MPRCA), an initiative for the November 2020 ballot that would restore "good time" credits to the prison system, which were eliminated in the state's 1998 Truth In Sentencing law. Michigan is one of three states in the U.S. that does not make earned credits available to incarcerated people. For several years Sawari has ...

April 16, 2020

Julie Shayne featured in SUNY Press’s Quarterly Newsletter

IAS faculty member Julie Shayne was one of two featured authors in SUNY Press’s April newsletter. SUNY Press, publisher of her third book Taking Risks: Feminist Activism and Research in the Americas, was especially interested in Shayne’s take on the importance of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS). Julie, co-facilitator of UW Bothell's GWSS major ...

April 15, 2020