News from the School of IAS

Category: Creative Writing and Poetics

MFA student Amy Hirayama Apprentices with Writers in the Schools

Amy Hirayama, a second-year student in the MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics, was recently selected to serve as an apprentice in Seattle Arts and Lectures' Writers in the Schools Program. In this newly-created role, Hirayama, a former middle school teacher, will serve as a Writer-in-Residence alongside an established WITS teacher at Evergreen High School, gaining experience, mentorship, and professional development while working in an area of education she is passionate about. Profiled last month on SAL's blog, SAL/ON, ...

November 19, 2021

Amaranth Borsuk publishes new chapbook

Last month, Above/Ground Press in Ottawa published W/\SH: Initial Contact, a collaborative chapbook created by IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk with poet and artist Terri Witek. This small book of poetry is the first part of a longer speculative ecopoetic manuscript that includes work in a number of different forms, including audio, video, and frottage art. ...

November 15, 2021

Amaranth Borsuk publishes new collaborative poems in Snail Trail 3

The latest issue of Snail Trail, a journal of ecopoetics, includes two poems by IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk. These epistolary poems and accompanying visual artwork are part of W/\SH, Borsuk's collaboration with poet and artist Terri Witek, a book-length work of speculative poetry that includes correspondence by women on two worlds ...

November 8, 2021

Ching-In Chen: “Inside me, a family”

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s poem “Inside me, a family” was selected by guest curator Kimberly M. Blaeser for the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day Series, which is sent out to 450,000 subscribers daily. The poem is ...

November 5, 2021

Ching-In Chen: “Breath Is Missing”

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s poem “Breath Is Missing” was published in Concision Poetry Journal, a journal edited by Haley Lasche which highlights work investigating the socio-political influences on language and ...

October 27, 2021

Ching-In Chen awarded Kristi Larkin Havens Memorial Fellowship

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen was awarded the Dr. Kristi Larkin Havens Memorial Residency Fellowship for Service to the Community from The Sundress Academy for the Arts (SAFTA), which awards a one-week fully-funded residency at Firefly Farms in Knoxville, Tennessee. The fellowship awards a writer who has ...

October 26, 2021

Ching-In Chen published in NOMBONO

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s poems “Flood Fathers” and “Guest/Stalker” was published in NOMBONO: an Anthology of Speculative Poetry by BIPOC Creators From Around the World, edited by Akua Lezli Hope, from Sundress Publications. “In the stunning and imaginative NOMBONO ...

October 20, 2021

Ching-In Chen published in Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America

IAS faculty member Ching-In Chen’s “inspector of journals makes introductions: Fan & Basket plot escape from Peabody Essex Museum/a birthright” was published in Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America, edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo, Temple University Press. This hybrid writing was originally published in recombinant ...

October 13, 2021

Fall Convergence: Memory & Memorial

The MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics' 9th annual Fall Convergence was held from Thursday, Sept. 30 through Saturday, Oct. 1. This year’s theme was Memory and Memorial, which invites participants to consider where and how memories are made: written into our very DNA, constructed and imposed by power systems, and collectively authored with others, whose memories may converge or diverge from our own.

October 12, 2021