News from the School of IAS

Category: Creative Writing and Poetics

Kelle Grace Gaddis is on a publishing streak

Kelle Grace Gaddis, a 2014 graduate of our MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics program, has launched Brightly Press. This small press will debut at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference in April 2015, featuring some of the coutry's top poets. Gaddis' own work has recently been published in a number of venues.

June 25, 2015

Amaranth Borsuk’s video work featured in the Huffington Post

IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk's video project from her new book As We Know was featured this week in the Huffington Post. The book and videos are a collaboration with writer Andy Fitch, who visited Bothell on January 20 as part of the From the Convergence Zone reading series.

June 24, 2015

Joe Milutis publishes “Marcel Duchamp’s The [Creative] Act”

IAS faculty member Joe Milutis published "Marcel Duchamp's The [Creative] Act" with Gauss PDF. The 14-page book transforms Duchamp's 1957 lecture "The Creative Act" into a playful commentary on interactivity in the digital age, complete with broken links and mad libs. ...

June 24, 2015

Amaranth Borsuk receives Club Advisor of the Year award

At the Club Council Recognition Banquet this month, Amaranth Borsuk received the Club Advisor of the Year award for her work with students on Clamor, UWB's undergraduate Literary and Arts journal. Asked about the award, Amaranth replied: "Working with students on Clamor this year has been a great gift. We've had an exceptional board of editors who are passionate about the work they want to see in the world. I am grateful to them for nominating me and to Club Council for this recognition of all the labor and the love that goes into Clamor."

June 23, 2015