News from the School of IAS

Category: Creative Writing and Poetics

After the MFA: Sun, moon, wind, ocean – Talena Lachelle Queen and the poetry of art in community

By Natalie Singer (’16) As a student who preceded me in the UW Bothell MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics, Talena Lachelle Queen was someone I heard about often during my time in the program but didn’t have the chance to meet until after we both had graduated. I was excited to interview Talena because to me, she represents the real-world successful example of how one can realize a practice and career in art-making and community leadership and advocacy. While writing poetry, teaching, and mothering, a juggle I also seek to balance, Talena has figured out how to activate the conversation around art, its purpose and potential, in her community. While she advances her own practice, she is driven by the motivation to make art a civic venture and the belief that communities need art to thrive. Here is an edited version of our interview ...

July 17, 2018

Amaranth Borsuk Interviewed at the Los Angeles Review of Books Blog

The LARB Blog has just published an interview with IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk about her new MIT Press volume, The Book. Borsuk's wide-ranging conversation with writer Andy Fitch covers how she came to write this book, the many historical forms the book has taken over time and in different regions, the affordances of the familiar codex, and what artists' books have to teach us about ...

June 28, 2018

Amaranth Borsuk launches public project to define the book

To accompany her recently-published volume The Book (MIT Press, 2018), IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk has launched a web project to expand our definition of an object we think we know intimately. At, Borsuk is compiling crowd-sourced answers to the question What is the/a book?, which she has posed to over 100 artists, writers, scholars, publishers, and librarians. In her MIT Press volume, Borsuk defines the book with ...

June 28, 2018

IAS students publish the 2018 issue of Clamor

Clamor is the campus’s literary and arts journal, focusing on work produce by UW Bothell student and alum. As IAS faculty member and advisor to the students who create Clamor Amaranth Borsuk puts it, “Clamor is essential in building community around the arts on campus. Creative students from across the disciplines see a home for their work between the journal’s covers, and the campus as a whole benefits from the enriching experience of reading the journal.”

June 28, 2018

Cristina Cortez awarded Mineral School artist residency

Recent alum Cristina Cortez (’18, MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics) has been awarded a Mineral School artist residency. Mineral School nurtures literary, performing, and visual artists to generate new work and present that work to the public. Cortez is part of the fourth cohort of residents, who will spend two weeks this summer living and working at the Mineral School, a transformed 1947 school building located in a small lake town at the foot of Mt. Rainier.

June 12, 2018

Amaranth Borsuk interviewed about her new book, The Book

Whether you think it's on its way out or a permanent fixture in our culture, there's no denying that we're fascinated with books. IAS faculty member Amaranth Borsuk, author of the just released volume The Book (MIT Press, 2018), joins host Marcus Smith of the BYU Radio Podcast Thinking Aloud to explore the limits and possibilities of the book as object, as content, and as idea. Tune in at 8pm EST on Sirius XM 143, or listen online.

June 8, 2018

After the MFA: The Trace Remains – Alumni in Conversation

By Andrew Carson (’16) I recently had the opportunity to meet up over lunch with Lynarra Featherly and Sarah Baker, fellow alumni of the University of Washington Bothell MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics program. What resulted was a ranging conversation during which we discussed our MFA experiences, our lives now, and a few pertinent asides.

February 27, 2018

Natalie Singer releases memoir: California Calling: A Self-Interrogation

This week alum Natalie Singer (’16, Creative Writing & Poetics) releases her memoir, California Calling: A Self-Interrogation. Singer will discuss her memoir at Elliott Bay Books on March 5, joined in conversation by Sonora Jha, Hugo House Prose Writer-in-Residence and author of Foreign. On March 13 Singer will appear at Lit Fix, Seattle’s bar-friendliest reading and music series, hosted at Chop Suey.

February 27, 2018

Corbin Louis selected for 2018 Jack Straw Writers Program

IAS alum Corbin Louis ('17, MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics) was selected for the 2018 Jack Straw Writers Program. The Jack Straw Writers Program was created in 1997 to introduce local writers to the medium of recorded audio, to develop their presentation skills for both live and recorded readings, to encourage the creation of new literary work, and to provide new venues for the writers and their work.

February 26, 2018

Corbin Louis selected for 2018 Jack Straw Writers Program

IAS alum Corbin Louis ('17, MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics) was selected for the 2018 Jack Straw Writers Program. The Jack Straw Writers Program was created in 1997 to introduce local writers to the medium of recorded audio, to develop their presentation skills for both live and recorded readings, to encourage the creation of new literary work, and to provide new venues for the writers and their work.

February 26, 2018