IAS students exhibit artwork on campus

HH 1510 artwork exhibit

IAS student artwork is now on display in Husky Hall 1510 throughout Winter quarter, 2020. IAS faculty member Ted Hiebert led this effort, which we hope will lead to more full-time access to campus spaces for student art work.

The students displaying their work include: Angela Casidsid, Jordan Havlicek, Johnny Ho, Edward Kuznetsov, Heather Mcallister, Alexis Mujo, Jennifer Pean, Melynda Phung, Ila Plank, Theo Roussos, and Michelle Schaefer.

The exhibit is meant to be open during building hours for HH and will run for all of Winter quarter. There will hopefully be a follow-up exhibition in the Spring.

Visit the exhibit when you have the chance!

HH 1510 artwork exhibit
HH 1510 artwork exhibit