Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung publish “Psychogeographic Visualizations: or, what is it like to be a bat?”

what is it like to be a bat

IAS faculty members Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung published “Psychogeographic Visualizations: or, what is it like to be a bat?” in Cultural Geographies. The article takes a creative re-interpretation of psychogeography: psyschogeography less about the psychological dimensions of real space but more about the mind’s spatiality with the consideration of different forms of imagining as ‘places’ a mind can be taken to. The project involves recruiting participants (mostly, UW Bothell students) to imagine ‘what it is like to be a bat’ as a practice-based critique of Thomas Nagel’s 1974 rejection of the imagination as a useful tool for consciousness studies.