Valdez and Groom lead exploration seminar in Peru

andes to amazon

IAS faculty members Ursula Valdez and Martha Groom co-taught an Exploration Seminar "From Andes to Amazon: Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Peru." The 26-day study abroad program allowed 15 students to learn in person about species and ecosystems in tropical rainforest and the Andean mountains, and about traditional uses of resources and local conservation challenges. The location was also the field site where Valdez and Groom first met, almost 30 years ago. Valdez also participated in October in "Environmental Surveys: Monitoring and Protecting Wildlife," a community event organized by the UW Bothell Office of Research. Her contribution was "Diversity and composition of the bird community in habitats associated with the North Creek Wetlands."

Here are some photos of the Exploration Seminar participants in Peru:

Exploration Seminar participants in the Andes
Exploration Seminar participants in the Andes
Groom and Valdez in Peru