Alumni Smith and Bolinger share career journeys with students

This fall IAS alumni Markus Smith and Kelsey Bolinger met with students in IAS faculty member Jennifer Atkinson’s Capstone Portfolio course to share their career pathways.

Smith is a Human Resources (HR) Recruiter for SNBL USA, a local biotechnology firm. While a student at UW Bothell, Markus worked as an assistant career advisor in Career Services and as communications assistant in the Office of Advancement and External Relations. Smith also chartered the campus’s first Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) student chapter, later becoming its president.

Markus Smith

Smith’s career in HR was sparked by his own experiences with job searches and networking. Realizing he could build a career in HR, Smith pursued a one-year, paid internship with Seattle City Light in workforce development. Since graduating in 2017 with a degree in Media & Communication Studies, he conducted additional internships and worked as a recruiting coordinator for Tableau Software before joining SNBL.

Bolinger graduated in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Media & Communication Studies and Society, Ethics & Human Behavior. She is a marketing manager at Center for International Career Development. As a student, Bolinger was a study abroad advisor and recipient of the Husky 100 award.

Kelsey Bolinger