Rob Turner and Justin Felder work to return Kokanee salmon to local creeks

kokanee salmon

The Lake Forest Park (LFP) Stewardship Foundation is partnering with IAS faculty member Rob Turner and Biology faculty member Jeff Jensen on the “Return Kokanee to Our Streams” project. Turner has undertaken the testing of catch basin filters to determine their effectiveness in removing pollutants (heavy metals and polycarbons) in stormwater runoff from local roads. Environmental Studies major Justin Felder is assisting Turner by taking samples and gathering data and has completed the project’s second scientific report.

Jensen conceived the idea of returning Kokanee to LFP’s Lyon and McAleer creeks. Under his supervision, students are designing Kokanee egg incubators that will be installed along Lyon Creek. Kokanee were once a plentiful native species in this watershed. Read about the project.